microsoft / DACExtensions

DACExtensions contains samples that extend Data-Tier Applications using DacFx. These samples include deployment contributors and static code analysis rules that can be used with Visual Studio as well as examples of how to use the DacFx public mode
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Deploying Dacpac's via Powershell using Service Principals #50

Closed simondmorias closed 4 years ago

simondmorias commented 4 years ago


I'm trying to deploy a dacpac to Azure SQL, I would like to deploy it using a service principal and PowerShell. But I cannot figure out how the connection string should work.

Using a SQL Login I would do something like this:

$dacServices = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices $ConnectionString

Where the connection string container the login and password.

Looking at the constructors for DacServices here there is a IUniversalAuthProvider which I think should be able to do what I want. But I cannot figure out how to construct it in PowerShell. I was expecting something like:

$Auth = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.IUniversalAuthProvider $AccessToken
$dacServices = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices $ConnectionString $Auth

Where Access Token is obtained from AAD via a Token request.

Another example I can find is in the Azure DevOps tasks for the Dacpac deploy here.

In Utility.ps1 there is a function called Get-AADAuthenticationConnectionString - but this seems to only work with AAD credentials (and not 2FA).

Is this possible?

kevcunnane commented 4 years ago

That likely won't work as you can't new up an interface (IUniversalAuthProvider). I know this should work with SqlPackage (use the /AccessToken: input), but if you want to do this yourself you'd need a class defined that implements that interface's GetValidAccessToken method and returns your token. That's likely what SqlPackage is doing as it uses this same interface. It's unfortunate that a SimpleTokenAuthProvider class doesn't exist already - @pensivebrian or @kenvanhyning maybe you can comment? Doesn't seem like Udeesha / Kim are part of this repo.

pensivebrian commented 4 years ago

With powershell 5, you can implement an interface, so something like the following (untested) code should work:


Add-Type -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\DAC\bin\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll'

Invoke-Expression @'
class AuthProvider : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.IUniversalAuthProvider {
  AuthProvider([string] $token) { $this.t = $token}
  [String] $t;
  [bool]IsTokenExpired()  { return $false }
  [string]GetValidAccessToken() { return $this.t }

$authProvider = new-object AuthProvider $accessToken
$dacServices = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices "server=$server;database=$database", $authProvider
simondmorias commented 4 years ago

Thanks @pensivebrian - works a treat!