microsoft / DLWorkspace

Deep Learning Workspace
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Upgrade to marshmallow 3 #517

Open sloria opened 4 years ago

sloria commented 4 years ago

👋 Just dropping by to let you know that marshmallow v3 is released.

Upgrading will provide a few benefits for this project:

You could even do automatic camel-casing using this snippet:

After skimming the codebase, it looks like the migration will be straightforward.

from marshmallow import ValidationError

    job_object = JobSchema.load(job)
except ValidationError as error:
    errors = error.messages
hongzhili commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Add @xudifsd

xudifsd commented 4 years ago

Oh, this requires python>=3.5, we will update the code after we migrate to python3, thanks.

KeironO commented 4 years ago

I would love to do this, but there doesn't seem to be any meaningful documentation surrounding how best I can contribute.