microsoft / DTrace-on-Windows

Code for the cross platform, single source, OpenDTrace implementation
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Ustack call yield enexpected result #19

Open benoitgillet opened 2 years ago

benoitgillet commented 2 years ago

Trying to use a prob with a ustack() call, i encounter the following behavior :

I would expect a stack trace with multiple lines

Following, i put the prob i use

$dtrace -s this_file -c your_program

#pragma D option quiet

 printf("                    Function Stack Count Statistics\n");
 @all_calls[stack(100)] = count();


/pid == $target/
OlivierLi commented 1 year ago


If anyone sees this I'd like to try and understand if we could ever expect something here.

I'm a very frequent user of DTrace on macOS and bringing my scripts that rely on ustack() over is completely impossible since 99% of the stacks end up not displaying.

Some of them do so I know that pdb downloading and loading is wired correctly which makes it all the more frustrating.

Thanks for your time.

CodeMaxx commented 1 year ago

@benoitgillet Looks like you're using stack() in that script instead of ustack()

@OlivierLi Could you give me a sample script and what possible output you see?

CodeMaxx commented 1 year ago

The issue has been recognized. I will start working on a fix soon.

OlivierLi commented 1 year ago

Great to hear! Thanks for looking into this.

For reference for now the two scripts I'm looking to adapt are here with one more to come that I haven't pushed.