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error MSB4020: The value "" of the "Project" attribute in element <Import> is invalid with version 0.1.15-preview #430

Open yorek opened 3 months ago

yorek commented 3 months ago

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new project: dotnet new sqlproj -n "devDB2" -tp "SqlAzureV12"
  2. Add a table
  3. Build the project

Did this occur in prior versions? If not - which version(s) did it work in?

No, up until version 0.1.14-preview it was working correctly

dzsquared commented 3 months ago

can you share the sql for the table you add?

I don't repro it yet with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build">
  <Sdk Name="Microsoft.Build.Sql" Version="0.1.15-preview" />
    <ModelCollation>1033, CI</ModelCollation>
CREATE TABLE dbo.sometable (
        name NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

(used dotnet new as above to get there)

building with dotnet build

zijchen commented 3 months ago

The only new Import we added in 0.1.15-preview is to Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets, which shouldn't be empty either

yorek commented 3 months ago

Sure. I installed the SqlPackage and the project template using the following:

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage
dotnet new install Microsoft.Build.Sql.Templates

then I create a new database project via

dotnet new sqlproj -n "devDB2" -tp "SqlAzureV12"

and then I add a new table using VS Code Database Project extension that gets installed in the devcontainer automatically:

Initializing SQL tools service for the mssql extension.
Note: mssql commands will be available after installing the service.

Platform: linux, x86_64, name=debian, version=12 (Debian)

Installing SQL tools service to /home/vscode/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-mssql.mssql-1.22.1/sqltoolsservice/
(70015 KB) .................... Done!
Installing ...
Done! 853 files unpacked.

I add the following table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[person] (
    [person_id]        INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([person_id] ASC),
    [person_name]      NVARCHAR (200)      NOT NULL,
    [person_email]     NVARCHAR (200)      NOT NULL,
    [pet_preference]   NVARCHAR (100)      NOT NULL

and then if I try to build (from VS Code) I get the followin output

[ Build ]
    > "/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet"  build "/workspaces/azure-sql-db-developers-workshop/database/devDB2/devDB2.sqlproj" /p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:SystemDacpacsLocation="/home/vscode/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-mssql.sql-database-projects-vscode-1.4.1/BuildDirectory"
    stdout: MSBuild version 17.7.4+3ebbd7c49 for .NET
    stdout:   Determining projects to restore...
    stdout:   Restored /workspaces/azure-sql-db-developers-workshop/database/devDB2/devDB2.sqlproj (in 2.48 sec).
    stdout: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/7.0.406/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets(1199,3): error MSB4020: The value "" of the "Project" attribute in element <Import> is invalid. [/workspaces/azure-sql-db-developers-workshop/database/devDB2/devDB2.sqlproj]
    stdout: Build FAILED.
    stdout: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/7.0.406/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets(1199,3): error MSB4020: The value "" of the "Project" attribute in element <Import> is invalid. [/workspaces/azure-sql-db-developers-workshop/database/devDB2/devDB2.sqlproj]
    stdout:     0 Warning(s)
    stdout:     1 Error(s)
    stdout: Time Elapsed 00:00:09.44
    >>> "/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet"  build "/workspaces/azure-sql-db-developers-workshop/database/devDB2/devDB2.sqlproj" /p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:SystemDacpacsLocation="/home/vscode/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-mssql.sql-database-projects-vscode-1.4.1/BuildDirectory"    … exited with code: 1
    >>> "/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet"  build "/workspaces/azure-sql-db-developers-workshop/database/devDB2/devDB2.sqlproj" /p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:SystemDacpacsLocation="/home/vscode/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-mssql.sql-database-projects-vscode-1.4.1/BuildDirectory"   … errored out: Process exited with code 1

If I manually change the .sqlprj file to use version "0.1.14-preview" then the build works as expected.

I tried to use the table that you created @dzsquared, and I get the same error.

yorek commented 3 months ago

Btw, opening the targets files, it shows that the error is raised at this line:

  <Import Project="$(ILLinkTargetsPath)" Condition="'$(Language)' != 'C++'" />
zijchen commented 3 months ago

I believe this exact error is fixed by

That property ILLinkTargetsPath should be set during restore, but in some cases it seems to leave it blank. The fix above safeguards against that. I suggest updating to latest .NET 8 SDK to get that fix.

dzsquared commented 3 months ago

@zijchen @yorek I wonder if this was fixed in any .net 6 patch releases. if not, we've effectively found ourselves a known issue with .net 6 support

zijchen commented 3 months ago

That target was introduced in .NET 7 so it's not in the .NET 6 SDK, but the fix isn't in the latest .NET 7 patch.

yorek commented 3 months ago

Yes, I have both .NET 6 and 7 installed, but the build process uses the msbuild tool shipped with .NET 7 SDK. Any idea how to fix this without having to download .NET 8?

zijchen commented 3 months ago

Does running an explicit dotnet restore before build solve the issue? I'm not sure if there is any fix besides asking the dotnet team to port the change to .net 7 sdk

yorek commented 3 months ago

I'll use the workaround to avoid installing 0.1.15-preview projects for now.

Do you know there is the need to add a reference to Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets in the Microsoft.Build.Sql project? I mean, in 0.1.14 it was not there and everything was working. Is 0.1.15 using something that require the Microsoft.NET.Sdk target?

zijchen commented 3 months ago

It is to support transitive project references for sqlproj. If A references B and B references C, A should now understand C's objects.