DacFx, SqlPackage, and other SQL development libraries enable declarative database development and database portability across SQL versions and environments. Share feedback here on dacpacs, bacpacs, and SQL projects.
Environment (local platform and source/target platforms): All
Steps to Reproduce:
Create a sqlproject with partition function of BIT data type as below, and add few partitioned tables
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pfIsValid_0 (bit) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ( Convert(bit, 0), Convert(bit, 1))
Publish the project.
Re-publish the project and observe all the tables are getting rebuild.
Did this occur in prior versions? If not - which version(s) did it work in?
Steps to Reproduce:
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pfIsValid_0 (bit) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ( Convert(bit, 0), Convert(bit, 1))
Did this occur in prior versions? If not - which version(s) did it work in?
(DacFx/SqlPackage/SSMS/Azure Data Studio)