Closed myBigbug closed 5 months ago
Hi @myBigbug - this appears to be an issue with setuptools 70 as documented here and in a few other places. Could you try downgrading that and then installing? That should unblock you then we can look at why things are failing with setuptools 70+
Hi @myBigbug - this appears to be an issue with setuptools 70 as documented here and in a few other places. Could you try downgrading that and then installing? That should unblock you then we can look at why things are failing with setuptools 70+
pip install setuptools==69.5.0
When I install deepspeed
I got the error
My environment
python -c 'import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)'
):12.1Package Version
accelerate 0.30.1 addict 2.4.0 aiofiles 23.2.1 altair 5.3.0 annotated-types 0.7.0 anyio 4.4.0 attrs 23.2.0 bitsandbytes 0.42.0 blis 0.7.11 catalogue 2.0.10 certifi 2024.6.2 charset-normalizer 3.3.2 click 8.1.7 cloudpathlib 0.16.0 colorama 0.4.6 confection 0.1.5 contourpy 1.2.1 cycler 0.12.1 cymem 2.0.8 editdistance 0.6.2 einops 0.7.0 et-xmlfile 1.1.0 exceptiongroup 1.2.1 fairscale 0.4.0 fastapi 0.110.3 ffmpy 0.3.2 filelock 3.14.0 fonttools 4.53.0 fsspec 2024.6.0 gradio 4.26.0 gradio_client 0.15.1 h11 0.14.0 httpcore 1.0.5 httpx 0.27.0 huggingface-hub 0.23.3 idna 3.7 importlib_resources 6.4.0 Jinja2 3.1.4 joblib 1.4.2 jsonlines 4.0.0 jsonschema 4.22.0 jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1 kiwisolver 1.4.5 langcodes 3.4.0 language_data 1.2.0 lxml 5.2.2 marisa-trie 1.2.0 markdown-it-py 3.0.0 markdown2 2.4.10 MarkupSafe 2.1.5 matplotlib 3.7.4 mdurl 0.1.2 more-itertools 10.1.0 mpmath 1.3.0 murmurhash 1.0.10 networkx 3.3 nltk 3.8.1 numpy 1.24.4 nvidia-cublas-cu12 nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 12.1.105 nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 12.1.105 nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 12.1.105 nvidia-cudnn-cu12 nvidia-cufft-cu12 nvidia-curand-cu12 nvidia-cusolver-cu12 nvidia-cusparse-cu12 nvidia-nccl-cu12 2.18.1 nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 12.5.40 nvidia-nvtx-cu12 12.1.105 opencv-python-headless openpyxl 3.1.2 orjson 3.10.4 packaging 23.2 pandas 2.2.2 Pillow 10.1.0 pip 24.0 portalocker 2.8.2 preshed 3.0.9 protobuf 4.25.0 psutil 5.9.8 pydantic 2.7.3 pydantic_core 2.18.4 pydub 0.25.1 Pygments 2.18.0 pyparsing 3.1.2 python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0 python-multipart 0.0.9 pytz 2024.1 PyYAML 6.0.1 referencing 0.35.1 regex 2024.5.15 requests 2.32.3 rich 13.7.1 rpds-py 0.18.1 ruff 0.4.8 sacrebleu 2.3.2 safetensors 0.4.3 scipy 1.13.1 seaborn 0.13.0 semantic-version 2.10.0 sentencepiece 0.1.99 setuptools 70.0.0 shellingham 1.5.4 shortuuid 1.0.11 six 1.16.0 smart-open 6.4.0 sniffio 1.3.1 socksio 1.0.0 spacy 3.7.2 spacy-legacy 3.0.12 spacy-loggers 1.0.5 srsly 2.4.8 starlette 0.37.2 sympy 1.12.1 tabulate 0.9.0 thinc 8.2.4 timm 0.9.10 tokenizers 0.19.1 tomlkit 0.12.0 toolz 0.12.1 torch 2.1.2 torchvision 0.16.2 tqdm 4.66.1 transformers 4.40.0 triton 2.1.0 typer 0.9.4 typing_extensions 4.8.0 tzdata 2024.1 urllib3 2.2.1 uvicorn 0.24.0.post1 wasabi 1.1.3 weasel 0.3.4 websockets 11.0.3 wheel 0.43.0