microsoft / DeepSpeed

DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] [ROCm] Fine-tuning DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Lite-Instruct with 8 MI300X GPUs results in c10::DistBackendError #6725

Open nikhil-tensorwave opened 3 weeks ago

nikhil-tensorwave commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug I am trying to fine-tune DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Lite-Instruct (16B) on a system with 8 MI300X GPUs. Running on any number of GPUs less than 8 works as expected and runs to completion. When running on 8 GPUs, the training starts, hangs, and then outputs one of two errors. One error is:

Memory access fault by GPU node-4 (Agent handle: 0x56387095fa40) on address (nil). Reason: Unknown.

where the GPU node is different from run to run. The second error (truncated) is:

[rank4]:[E1107 22:03:59.159782320 ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:692] [Rank 4] Watchdog caught collective operation timeout: WorkNCCL(SeqNum=473096, OpType=_ALLGATHER
_BASE, NumelIn=360448, NumelOut=2883584, Timeout(ms)=1800000) ran for 1800004 milliseconds before timing out.                                               
[rank4]:[E1107 22:03:59.159832649 ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:715] Stack trace of the timedout collective not found, potentially because FlightRecorder is disabled
. You can enable it by setting TORCH_NCCL_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE to a non-zero value.                                                                            
[rank4]:[E1107 22:03:59.160250339 ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:1996] [PG ID 0 PG GUID 0(default_pg) Rank 4] Work timeout is detected by watchdog at work: 473096, la
st enqueued NCCL work: 473328, last completed NCCL work: 473095.              
[rank4]:[E1107 22:03:59.160271219 ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:734] [Rank 4] Some NCCL operations have failed or timed out. Due to the asynchronous nature of CUDA kernels, subsequent GPU operations might run on corrupted/incomplete data.                                                                                   
[rank4]:[E1107 22:03:59.160280148 ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:748] [Rank 4] To avoid data inconsistency, we are taking the entire process down.                    
[rank4]:[E1107 22:03:59.163317046 ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:1791] [PG ID 0 PG GUID 0(default_pg) Rank 4] Process group watchdog thread terminated with exception:
 [Rank 4] Watchdog caught collective operation timeout: WorkNCCL(SeqNum=473096, OpType=_ALLGATHER_BASE, NumelIn=360448, NumelOut=2883584, Timeout(ms)=180000
0) ran for 1800004 milliseconds before timing out.                                                                                                          
Exception raised from checkTimeout at ../torch/csrc/distributed/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:722 (most recent call first):                                     
frame #0: c10::Error::Error(c10::SourceLocation, std::string) + 0x96 (0x7f64c4bc9206 in /home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib/                                                                                               
frame #1: c10d::ProcessGroupNCCL::WorkNCCL::checkTimeout(std::optional<std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<1l, 1000l> > >) + 0x8be (0x7f651dca876e in /home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib/                        
frame #2: c10d::ProcessGroupNCCL::watchdogHandler() + 0x930 (0x7f651dcafff0 in /home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib/                                                                                                  
frame #3: c10d::ProcessGroupNCCL::ncclCommWatchdog() + 0x14d (0x7f651dcb19cd in /home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib/
frame #4: <unknown function> + 0x145c0 (0x7f65780195c0 in /home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib/                                                                                                                           
frame #5: <unknown function> + 0x94ac3 (0x7f6621676ac3 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/                                                                  
frame #6: <unknown function> + 0x126850 (0x7f6621708850 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/   

To Reproduce Run command:

deepspeed --num_nodes 1 --num_gpus 8 --exp_id amd_baseline --deepspeed_config ds_config2_zero3.json --config dp.yaml --jsonl_path train_prompts.jsonl

Training script and config files will be in the first comment.

ds_report output

[2024-11-08 00:55:32,256] [INFO] [] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)
DeepSpeed C++/CUDA extension op report
NOTE: Ops not installed will be just-in-time (JIT) compiled at
      runtime if needed. Op compatibility means that your system
      meet the required dependencies to JIT install the op.
JIT compiled ops requires ninja
ninja .................. [OKAY]
op name ................ installed .. compatible
 [WARNING]  async_io requires the dev libaio .so object and headers but these were not found.
 [WARNING]  async_io: please install the libaio-dev package with apt
 [WARNING]  If libaio is already installed (perhaps from source), try setting the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables to where it can be found.
async_io ............... [NO] ....... [NO]
fused_adam ............. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
cpu_adam ............... [YES] ...... [OKAY]
cpu_adagrad ............ [NO] ....... [OKAY]
cpu_lion ............... [NO] ....... [OKAY]
 [WARNING]  Please specify the CUTLASS repo directory as environment variable $CUTLASS_PATH
evoformer_attn ......... [NO] ....... [NO]
 [WARNING]  FP Quantizer is using an untested triton version (3.1.0+cf34004b8a), only 2.3.(0, 1) and 3.0.0 are known to be compatible with these kernels
fp_quantizer ........... [NO] ....... [NO]
fused_lamb ............. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
fused_lion ............. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
 [WARNING]  gds is not compatible with ROCM
gds .................... [NO] ....... [NO]
transformer_inference .. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
inference_core_ops ..... [NO] ....... [OKAY]
cutlass_ops ............ [NO] ....... [OKAY]
quantizer .............. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
ragged_device_ops ...... [NO] ....... [OKAY]
ragged_ops ............. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
random_ltd ............. [NO] ....... [OKAY]
 [WARNING]  sparse_attn is not compatible with ROCM
sparse_attn ............ [NO] ....... [NO]
spatial_inference ...... [NO] ....... [OKAY]
transformer ............ [NO] ....... [OKAY]
stochastic_transformer . [NO] ....... [OKAY]
DeepSpeed general environment info:
torch install path ............... ['/home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch']
torch version .................... 2.6.0.dev20241106+rocm6.2
deepspeed install path ........... ['/home/tensorwave/nikhil/poc_validation/multigpu-deepseek-train-master/nightly62/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deepspeed-0.15.2+unknown-py3.10-linux-x86_64.egg/deepspeed']
deepspeed info ................... 0.15.2+unknown, unknown, unknown
torch cuda version ............... None
torch hip version ................ 6.2.41133-dd7f95766
nvcc version ..................... None
deepspeed wheel compiled w. ...... torch 2.6, hip 6.2
shared memory (/dev/shm) size .... 1.11 TB

System info:

Launcher context Launching with deepspeed

Additional context Running the same fine-tuning instead with smaller DeepSeek models (1B and 7B) works on 8 GPUs to completion. I am currently trying the largest DeepSeek model (200B).

@rraminen @jithunnair-amd

nikhil-tensorwave commented 3 weeks ago

import pandas as pd
import json
import os
import argparse
import yaml
from pprint import pprint
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import transformers
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset
from huggingface_hub import notebook_login
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
from peft import LoraConfig, PeftConfig, PeftModel, get_peft_model, prepare_model_for_kbit_training
from trl import SFTTrainer

os.environ["WANDB_DISABLED"] = "true"

# Argument parser for command-line inputs
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fine-tune DeepSeek-Coder-V2 model')
parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, help='Path to config YAML file (optional)', default="config.yaml")
parser.add_argument('--jsonl_path', type=str, help='Path to input JSONL file (optional)', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--exp_id', type=str, help='Unique experiment ID for the run', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--deepspeed_config', type=str, help='Path to DeepSpeed config JSON file', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, help='Local rank for distributed training', default=-1)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Load YAML config
config_path = args.config if os.path.isabs(args.config) else os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.config)
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
    raise FileNotFoundError(f"Configuration file not found at {config_path}")
with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
    config = yaml.safe_load(f)

# Extract base configurations
base_dir = config['run']['base_dir']
run_name_prefix = config['run']['run_name_prefix']
run_name = f"{run_name_prefix}-{args.exp_id}"
run_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, args.exp_id)

# Determine JSONL file path
jsonl_path = args.jsonl_path if args.jsonl_path else os.path.join(run_dir, "train_prompts.jsonl")

# Check if the JSONL file exists
if not os.path.exists(jsonl_path):
    raise FileNotFoundError(f"JSONL file not found at {jsonl_path}. Please provide a valid file path.")

# Configuration
MODEL_NAME = config['model']['model_name']
bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(
    bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.bfloat16 if config['quantization']['compute_dtype'] == "bfloat16" else torch.float16
# Load model and tokenizer
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)

# Load data
data_list = []

# Read JSONL and extract the 'text' field
with open(jsonl_path, 'r') as file:
    for line in file:
        if not line.strip():
            continue  # Skip empty lines
            data_point = json.loads(line)
            text = data_point.get('text', '')
            if text:
                data_list.append({'text': text})
        except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
            print(f"Skipping invalid JSON line: {line} with error: {e}")

# Convert to pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)
print("Total number of training samples:", len(df))

# Create Hugging Face Dataset
train_data = Dataset.from_pandas(df[['text']])

# Shuffle dataset
train_data = train_data.shuffle()

# Set max_seq_length
max_seq_length = config['training'].get('max_seq_length', 512)

# Prepare model for training
def get_num_layers(model):
    import re
    numbers = set()
    for name, _ in model.named_parameters():
        for number in re.findall(r'\d+', name):
    return max(numbers)

def get_last_layer_linears(model):
    names = []
    num_layers = get_num_layers(model)
    for name, module in model.named_modules():
        if str(num_layers) in name and not "encoder" in name:
            if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Linear):
    return names

# Prepare model for training
config_lora = LoraConfig(

# Get DeepSpeed config path
if args.deepspeed_config:
    deepspeed_config_path = args.deepspeed_config
    deepspeed_config_path = config['training'].get('deepspeed_config', None)

# Define training arguments
training_args = transformers.TrainingArguments(
    bf16=config['training'].get('bf16', False),
    output_dir=os.path.join(run_dir, config['training']['output_subdir']),
    # Remove optim and lr_scheduler_type when using DeepSpeed
    # optim="paged_adamw_8bit",
    # lr_scheduler_type=config['training']['scheduler'],
    report_to=None,  # Set to None to disable reporting to wandb

# Initialize SFTTrainer
trainer = SFTTrainer(

# Disable cache for training and start training
model.config.use_cache = False

# Save the fine-tuned model in the run directory
model_output_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, "trained-model")
print(f"Model fine-tuned and saved to '{model_output_dir}'.")


  project_name: "text2sql-train"
  base_dir: ""
  run_name_prefix: "fine-tune-run"

  model_name: "deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-Coder-V2-Lite-Instruct"
  lora_r: 8
  lora_alpha: 16
  lora_dropout: 0.05
  task_type: "CAUSAL_LM"
  # Added target_modules as a list
    - "q_proj"
    - "k_proj"
    - "v_proj"
    - "o_proj"
    - "gate_proj"
    - "up_proj"
    - "down_proj"

  batch_size: 1
  grad_accumulation_steps: 4
  num_epochs: 1
  learning_rate: 1e-4
  bf16: true
  fp16: false
  scheduler: "cosine"
  warmup_ratio: 0.01
  logging_steps: 10
  output_subdir: "checkpoints"
  max_seq_length: 8192  # Added max_seq_length

  load_in_4bit: true
  use_double_quant: true
  quant_type: "nf4"
  compute_dtype: "bfloat16"

  fsdp: "full_shard auto_wrap offload"
    backward_prefetch: "backward_pre"
    forward_prefetch: "false"
    use_orig_params: "false"


    "bf16": {
        "enabled": true
    "optimizer": {
        "type": "AdamW",
        "params": {
            "lr": "auto",
            "betas": "auto",
            "eps": "auto",
            "weight_decay": "auto"

    "scheduler": {
        "type": "WarmupLR",
        "params": {
            "warmup_min_lr": "auto",
            "warmup_max_lr": "auto",
            "warmup_num_steps": "auto"

    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 3,
        "offload_optimizer": {
            "device": "cpu",
            "pin_memory": true
        "offload_param": {
            "device": "cpu",
            "pin_memory": true
        "overlap_comm": true,
        "contiguous_gradients": true,
        "sub_group_size": 1e7,  
        "reduce_bucket_size": 2e7,  
        "stage3_prefetch_bucket_size": 3774874,
        "stage3_param_persistence_threshold": "auto",
        "stage3_max_live_parameters": 5e8,  
        "stage3_max_reuse_distance": 5e8,  
        "stage3_gather_16bit_weights_on_model_save": true

    "gradient_accumulation_steps": 4, 
    "gradient_clipping": "auto",
    "steps_per_print": 20,
    "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 1,
    "wall_clock_breakdown": false,

    "activation_checkpointing": {
        "partition_activations": true,  
        "contiguous_memory_optimization": true
loadams commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @nikhil-tensorwave. Tagging @rraminen and @jithunnair-amd as well for help on the AMD side.

nikhil-tensorwave commented 5 days ago

@loadams @rraminen @jithunnair-amd Are there any updates on resolving this issue?