microsoft / DesktopBridgeToUWP-Samples

This repo contains the samples that demonstrate the usage patterns for the Desktop Conversion extensions.
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AppServiceBridgeSample Create store packages fails #45

Open lars-goran opened 7 years ago

lars-goran commented 7 years ago

1> UWP -> C:\Project\DesktopBridgeToUWP-Samples-master\Samples\AppServiceBridgeSample\cs\UWP\bin\x64\Release\Test.exe 1> Starting .NET Native compilation 1> Processing application code 1> Computing application closure and generating interop code 1> Generating serialization code 1> Compiling interop code 1> Cleaning up unreferenced code 1> Generating native code 1> Generating fixups for native code 1> C:\Project\DesktopBridgeToUWP-Samples-master\Samples\AppServiceBridgeSample\cs\BackgroundProcess\bin\Release\BackgroundProcess.exe 1> 1 File(s) copied 1> C:\Project\DesktopBridgeToUWP-Samples-master\Samples\AppServiceBridgeSample\cs\BackgroundProcess\bin\Release\BackgroundProcess.exe 1> 1 File(s) copied 1>MakeAppx : error : Manifest validation error: Line 37, Column 64, Reason: The file name "BackgroundProcess.exe" declared for element "[local-name()='Applications']/[local-name()='Application']/[local-name()='Extensions']/[local-name()='Extension' and not(@Category='windows.backgroundTasks' or @Category='windows.appService')]" doesn't exist in the package. 1>MakeAppx : error : Manifest validation error: Line 37, Column 64, Reason: The file name "BackgroundProcess.exe" declared for element "[local-name()='Applications']/[local-name()='Application']/[local-name()='Extensions']/[local-name()='Extension' and @Category='windows.fullTrustProcess']" doesn't exist in the package. 1>MakeAppx : error : Package creation failed. 1>MakeAppx : error : 0x80080204 - The specified package format is not valid: The package manifest is not valid.

arpadbarta commented 7 years ago

It is a known issue from #17. The guys are still fixing it :)

VividyYang commented 7 years ago

However, in #17, it claims it is a warning and not blocking. In this topic, it is blocking to create a package

arpadbarta commented 7 years ago

@VividyYang It always has been like that...