microsoft / DevHomeAzureExtension

Dev Home Azure Extension
MIT License
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Refactor DevBox feature to allow for creation #126

Closed bbonaby closed 4 months ago

bbonaby commented 4 months ago

Summary of the pull request

This PR aims to refactor the DevBox code so adding new capabilities are easier. It adds the creation ability to the Dev Box provider.

  1. Added use of Json serialization and deserialization to the code base.
  2. Updated the api version and added links to the sources
  3. Created Classes based on api spec doc to make serialization and deserialization easier
  4. Remove use of multi level if statements to get property values and instead use the above serial and deserialization
  5. Added ability to monitor operations from the Dev Center
  6. Simplified Http calls to the DevBox management service
  7. Added creation capability and provisioning monitoring

References and relevant issues

Detailed description of the pull request / Additional comments

Validation steps performed

updated tests and also tested manually

PR checklist