microsoft / DevHomeAzureExtension

Dev Home Azure Extension
MIT License
68 stars 15 forks source link

Query Widget Not working #54

Closed supertx2 closed 7 months ago

supertx2 commented 7 months ago

Dev Home version


Dev Home Azure Extension version


Windows build number

10.0.22621 Build 22621

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Add Widget
  2. Query Results
  3. Chose Account + add Query URL
  4. Submit + Pin

Expected result

Widget shows the Correct Query Results

Actual result

Widgets says 'No results match the query'


Included System Information

Not sure if I'm using the wrong URL What I tried:

    • Not Working
  2. On the query website clicking on Copy query URL and using that link{Organization}/{Project}/_queries?tempQueryId={tempQueryId}
    • Not Working

dev ops

StephenWRogers commented 7 months ago

Does your project name have a space in it? It looks like the project / repo names are parsed from the URL (which will be URL encoded), but that doesn't match the names in devops (which are not), so none of the widgets where the project or repo name has a space in it are working for me either.

supertx2 commented 7 months ago

Yes, the project name have spaces

krschau commented 7 months ago

@dkbennett FYI

victorfrye commented 7 months ago

FYI the same issue appears to occur with PR widgets with a project that has a space in the project name.

supertx2 commented 6 months ago

Just updated to the latest version, PRs are working but unfortunately the queries are still not working

It gets the query names automatically but doesn't show any results. image