microsoft / DirectML

DirectML is a high-performance, hardware-accelerated DirectX 12 library for machine learning. DirectML provides GPU acceleration for common machine learning tasks across a broad range of supported hardware and drivers, including all DirectX 12-capable GPUs from vendors such as AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm.
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Device selection through onnxruntime-directml #535

Open ramkrishna2910 opened 7 months ago

ramkrishna2910 commented 7 months ago


I am using directml through onnxruntime and my platform has multiple directx 12 supported devices. Is there a recommended way to enumerate and select specific devices through python APIs?


jstoecker commented 7 months ago

Currently, it's not possible to enumerate or select adapters through the Python API. For now, I think the only way to choose the DX device for ORT-DML in Python is by manually associating a preference for your python.exe in the graphics settings. For example:


We do want to improve this functionality in the future.

Note: This is possible in the native C/C++ API, where you can provide an adapter index or a D3D12 command queue (implicitly referencing its underlying DX adapter). The C# API also has a way to specify an adapter index, but using it effectively means writing a small native function (exposed through a DLL interface) to enumerate adapters.

ramkrishna2910 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the response @jstoecker Having this ability in python would be very helpful. For example, torch-directml exposes the enumeration through the following interfaces torch_directml.default_device(), torch_directml.device_count(), and torch_directml.device_name(i)

jstoecker commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I was mistaken. @smk2007 pointed out that we have some new APIs being added (in onnxruntime main branch, not yet released) to programmatically select an adapter based on high performance or minimum power; however, even in ORT-DML 1.16 you can select a device by index as follows:

# Specify "device_id" by index (available already in ORT 1.16)
providers = [('DmlExecutionProvider', {'device_id': '0'})]

# In a future release (ORT 1.17 possibly):
# providers = [('DmlExecutionProvider', {'performance_preference': 'high_performance'})]
# providers = [('DmlExecutionProvider', {'performance_preference': 'minimum_power'})]

session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(model_path, options, providers=providers)

The existing "device_id" approach is not ideal, since it's not stable. For example, with a laptop, device ID mapping will likely be 0=discrete/1=integrated when the laptop is plugged in or in a high-performance mode but swapped to 0=integrated/1=discrete when the laptop is on battery. For this reason, the commented-out options above are being added.

If you have multiple discrete/high-performance GPUs, however, something like the torch_directml.device_name(...) API could be nice. For now, you can wrap some native code to enumerate adapters in the same order as ORT-DML to figure out which device ID corresponds to the device you want. I do think the specify-by-name approach is useful and something we might be able to push into an upcoming release.

ramkrishna2910 commented 7 months ago

Yes, that would be great! And given that the device id assignments can change based on the state of the platform, the ability to enumerate the devices at runtime is critical. I am doing the following right now as a workaround:

import json
import torch_directml

if not torch_directml.is_available() or torch_directml.device_count() == 0:
    print(json.dumps({'error': 'DirectML is not available or no Directx 12 supported devices found'}))
    devices = [
        {'device_id': i, 'device_name': torch_directml.device_name(i)}
        for i in range(torch_directml.device_count())

Using the output from above to select the GPU that I want using providers = [('DmlExecutionProvider', {'device_id': '0'})] Note: Currently torch-directml only works with specific versions of torch.

Djdefrag commented 5 months ago

Hi everyone,

i spotted this line in onnxruntine-directml 1.17.0 changelog

Added new Python API to choose a specific GPU on multi-GPU devices with the DirectML EP.

There is some tutorial or some guide to use this new function? Browsing through the onnxruntime function I didn't find anything :(

Something like this can be really useful: