microsoft / DirectXMath

DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
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XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw #124

Closed fido9dido closed 2 years ago

fido9dido commented 3 years ago

I am trying to use DirectXMath but I am not sure how it is suppose to be used,

Now I want to convert vector Rot to a quaternion This is what doc says

XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw( float Pitch, float Yaw, float Roll ); Parameters Pitch

Angle of rotation around the x-axis, in radians.


Angle of rotation around the y-axis, in radians.


XMVECTOR XM_CALLCONV XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector( FXMVECTOR Angles ); Parameters Angles

3D vector containing the Euler angles in the order pitch, yaw, roll. Angle of rotation around the z-axis, in radians.

I have vcRot= {fRotX,fRotY,fRotZ}, now these are the pitch yaw roll respectively, Now I am using any dummy data say

float fRotX = 6.f, fRotY = 5.f, fRotZ = 7.f;
DirectX::XMVECTOR vcRot = DirectX::XMVectorSet(fRotX , fRotY,fRotZ,0);
DirectX::XMVECTOR qQuat= DirectX::XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector(vcRot);

I get

{0.313706458, 0.515175998, -0.199125499, -0.772354245}

I noticed if I used YZXW DirectX::XMVECTOR vcRot = DirectX::XMVectorSet(fRotY, fRotZ,fRotX ,0);

I get {0.594493330, -0.199125484, -0.101959631, -0.772354245}

Which is the expected result but in YZWX but I dont understand why

in physx SDK they have EulerAngleToQuat(const physx::PxVec3& rot) and if I used it with the same dummy data as follows

physx::PxVec3 vcRot(radToDeg(6.f), radToDeg(5.f), radToDeg(7.f));
        physx::PxQuat   mQuat = EulerAngleToQuat(vcRot); 

I get {x=-0.101959720 y=0.594493270 z=-0.199125603 ...}

and I have an old math library, it shows the same result as physx and I am showing physx as an example so no one say that my code is wrong

so if function like XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw takes x y z or Pitch Yaw Roll why do i have to put y z x or Yaw Roll Pitch and why the quaternion is ordered in y z x w or y x z w and not x y z w

according to Chuck Walbourn's blog

D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll | XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw (Note the order of parameters is different: D3DXMath takes yaw, pitch, roll, DirectXMath takes pitch, yaw, roll)

walbourn commented 3 years ago

Both D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll and XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw compute the same value for the same rotation descriptions. The difference was simply in the naming scheme for describing the concatenation order.

Both functions compute the rotations in the order: roll first, then pitch, then yaw.

walbourn commented 3 years ago

Where exactly did the EulerAngleToQuat function come from? It doesn't seem to be in the PhysX docs.

Also, 6, 5, and 7 in radians is going to be confusing because it's more than full rotation. Try using values in the range of 0 to PI.

fido9dido commented 2 years ago

Where exactly did the EulerAngleToQuat function come from? It doesn't seem to be in the PhysX docs.

True It's not in their documentation but EulerAngleToQuat can be found in SampleCharacterHelpers.cpp and radToDeg and degToRad can be found here

Also, 6, 5, and 7 in radians is going to be confusing because it's more than full rotation. Try using values in the range of 0 to PI.

Sorry, I was using any pseudo random values to check whether the return of my function were correct. How about using this range gives similar results in the X,Z, and the y is a tad off

DirectX::XMVECTOR vcRot = DirectX::XMVectorSet(fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ, 0);
DirectX::XMVECTOR qQuat = DirectX::XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector(vcRot);

fRotX = 1.f, fRotY =3.f, fRotZ = 2.f; {0.754933715, 0.444435090, -0.206149250, 0.435952753} fRotX = 2.f, fRotY =3.f, fRotZ = 2.f; {0.485670298, 0.241108164, -0.421349198, 0.726949632} fRotX = 2.f, fRotY =3.f, fRotZ = 3.f; {0.541809201, -0.0212504417, -0.0212504417, 0.839963913}

  physx::PxVec3 pxvcRot(radToDeg(1.f), radToDeg(3.f), radToDeg(2.f));
  physx::PxQuat mQuat = EulerAngleToQuat(pxvcRot);

fRotX = 1.f, fRotY =3.f, fRotZ = 2.f; {x=-0.718287051 y=0.501509070 z=-0.206149220, w=0.435952842} fRotX = 2.f, fRotY =3.f, fRotZ = 2.f; {x=-0.421349227 y=0.341282398 z=-0.421349198, w=0.726949751} fRotX = 2.f, fRotY =3.f, fRotZ = 3.f; {x=-0.533388197 y=0.0974979252 z=-0.0212504603, w=0.839963913}

walbourn commented 2 years ago

OK, I've done some more digging, and I believe I have an answer for you.

The computation done by XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector is the one from Wikipedia, i.e. the classic computation:

// cp = cos(pitch / 2);
// sp = sin(pitch / 2);
// cy = cos(yaw / 2);
// sy = sin(yaw / 2);
// cr = cos(roll / 2);
// sr = sin(roll / 2);

// q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy
// q.x = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy
// q.y = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy
// q.z = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy

The Wikipedia code is a slightly different axis order of the same formulas.

q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy;
q.x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy;
q.y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy;
q.z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy;

The difference is one of convention. The Wikipedia formulation from the NASA paper defines the axes labels as is common in aerospace modeling:

However, the DirectXMath convention follows the one more often used in games and was used in D3DXMath.