microsoft / DirectXTK12

The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK12) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++
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Wiki Issue for Getting Started -> Animating using model bones #218

Open focusright opened 3 months ago

focusright commented 3 months ago

In this wiki documentation

The result does not match the screenshot provided. The problem can be addressed either in the model or the CreateLookAt() function in Game::CreateWindowSizeDependentResources(). Since I don't have the original source file of the model I fixed it in the code with

void Game::CreateWindowSizeDependentResources()
    // TODO: Initialize windows-size dependent objects here.

    auto size = m_deviceResources->GetOutputSize();
    m_view = Matrix::CreateLookAt(Vector3(10, 2, 0),
        Vector3(0, 2, 0), Vector3::UnitY);
    m_proj = Matrix::CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(XM_PI / 4.f,
        float(size.right) / float(size.bottom), 0.1f, 10000.f);

The main fix being in changing the Vector3 parameters in the CreateLookAt() function.

focusright commented 3 months ago

The repo where I am working on this is located here

walbourn commented 3 months ago

FWIW, all the tutorials source can be found

focusright commented 3 months ago

I looked at the tutorial source and found the culprit, the line

m_model->CopyBoneTransformsTo(nbones, m_animBones.get());

needs to remain right after the lines where the bone arrays are made:

m_drawBones = ModelBone::MakeArray(nbones);
m_animBones = ModelBone::MakeArray(nbones);

m_model->CopyBoneTransformsTo(nbones, m_animBones.get());

uint32_t index = 0;
for (const auto& it : m_model->bones)
    if (_wcsicmp(, L"tank_geo") == 0)
        // Need to recenter the model.
        m_animBones[index] = XMMatrixIdentity();


In this section of the wiki

the last sentence is "(after you have loaded the model and created the bone arrays):"

which made my code like this:

m_drawBones = ModelBone::MakeArray(nbones);
m_animBones = ModelBone::MakeArray(nbones);

uint32_t index = 0;
for (const auto& it : m_model->bones)
    if (_wcsicmp(, L"tank_geo") == 0)
        // Need to recenter the model.
        m_animBones[index] = XMMatrixIdentity();


m_model->CopyBoneTransformsTo(nbones, m_animBones.get());

Hopefully this will help someone else who tries to follow the tutorial like I did.