microsoft / Dynamics-365-Industry-Accelerators

Dynamics 365 is releasing Industry Accelerators to enable ISVs, SIs and Partners to rapidly build industry focused solutions on top of our Business Application and Intelligence Platforms. These accelerators are created through a close partnership with internal Product , Sales, Service, Marketing, Field and Vertical Teams, with feedback from external industry SI, ISV and Partners. Here you will find samples and guidance on how to build and extend your industry solution on the Dynamics 365 Business Application and Intelligence platforms using our industry accelerators. Samples will also include cross product implementations with Azure, Office 365, Power BI, LinkedIn, Teams and other on-premise and cloud based implementations.
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Failed to load solution Dynamics 365 Higher Education Accelerator, version: #49

Open ukfreetv opened 5 years ago

ukfreetv commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug Following the instructions at to load sample data into Dynamics 365

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Go to here
  2. Clock download to get the Word doc
  3. Followed all the steps in the document until reaching "10. The tool will validate that all components are available and when all green checks appear, select Next."
  4. Message "Failed to load Solution into Dynamics 365 Higher Education Accelerator, version See the log file".

Expected behaviour Should have "11. You can monitor the import or check your environment when it’s complete!"

Screenshots image Log file PackageDeployer-2019-03-05.log

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Additional context

RugerSR762 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I too am having the same (or similar) issue. It is issuing a warning that there are a few missing dependencies:



stimms commented 5 years ago

I installed the package today on a brand new dynamics instance and I didn't encounter these errors. I installed directly from D365's UI and didn't use the package deployer, however.