microsoft / ELL

Embedded Learning Library
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retargetTrainer.exe crashing #141

Closed CalderaSrv closed 6 years ago

CalderaSrv commented 6 years ago


retargetTrainer.exe is crashing in the new 2.3.2 release.

My system: Windows10, i7

Example command: S:\ELL-2.3.2\build\bin\release\retargetTrainer --maxEpochs 1000 --multiClass true --refineIterations 1 --inputModelFilename pretrained.ell --targetPortElements 1448.output --inputDataFilename MyTrain.gsdf --outputModelFilename model.ell

Output: Redirected output for port elements 1448.output from model Then it crashes: image

I have tested on these models and observe the same behavior: dsf_I64x64x3CCMCCMCCMCMCMC1AS.ell, --targetPortElements 1448.output Candlenut.ell --targetPortElements 1891.output PandanFlower.ell --targetPortElements 3295.output

I am able to run without errors if I swap in my retargetTrainer.exe from 2.3.0 into my 2.3.2 \ELL-2.3.2\build\bin\Release\ folder

lovettchris commented 6 years ago

I've confirmed this crash, we are investigating...

lovettchris commented 6 years ago

Found the problem, the DataLoader.tcc uses old prototype for callback functions. The callbacks now take a void* context parameter, the fix will be included in next update.

kernhanda commented 6 years ago

Resolved with release v2.3.5.