[ ] Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Version 8.2 (8.2.x) (DB 8.2.x) online
[ ] Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Version 9.0 (9.0.x) (DB 9.0.x) online
[ ] Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Version 9.0.2 (9.0.2) (DB 9.0.2) online
[X] Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online Version 9.1 (9.1.x) (DB 9.1.x) online
UCI or Classic Web
[X] UCI (XrmApp)
[ ] Classic Web (XrmBrowser)
Online or On Premise
[X] Online
[ ] On Premise
[X] Chrome
[ ] Firefox
[ ] IE
[ ] Edge
Describe the bug
XrmApp.BusinessProcessFlow.SetValue fails to set the value of a Yes/No field. The XPath value for AppReference.BusinessProcessFlow.BooleanFieldSelectedOption assumes the Yes/No field is represented by a checkbox, which is not the case for custom business process flows in the latest Online version, they're represented by a dropdown.
Code to reproduce
XrmApp.BusinessProcessFlow.SetValue(new BooleanItem()
Name = "my_yesnofield",
Value = true,
Expected behavior
For the Yes/No field to be set correctly.
I was able to make it work for the GetValue on boolean fields on Business Process flow, might be worth a try but my fix was to tweak the Xpath to use BusinessProcessFlow TextFieldContainer instead of Entity.
Bug Report
EasyRepro Version
UCI or Classic Web
Online or On Premise
Describe the bug
XrmApp.BusinessProcessFlow.SetValue fails to set the value of a Yes/No field. The XPath value for AppReference.BusinessProcessFlow.BooleanFieldSelectedOption assumes the Yes/No field is represented by a checkbox, which is not the case for custom business process flows in the latest Online version, they're represented by a dropdown.
Code to reproduce
Expected behavior
For the Yes/No field to be set correctly.
Additional context
I can see this problem has been mentioned in the comments of this PR: https://github.com/microsoft/EasyRepro/pull/1036