microsoft / EasyRepro

Automated UI testing API for Dynamics 365
MIT License
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[BUG] <Ribbon custom button click is not able to handle with EasyRepro test case > #1254

Open ychandra888 opened 2 years ago

ychandra888 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

I have one custom button(Ribbon button) in my entity, on click of that button need to set some value(from test case), after enter value need to click Ok button automatically.

Note: It's prompt alert box.

xrmApp.CommandBar.ClickCommand("Search Account");------> from this I am able to click button, but with in 1sec closing automatically.

client.Browser.Driver.SwitchTo().Alert().SendKeys("1234567");----> from this trying to set value, but not working.

client.Browser.Driver.SwitchTo().Alert().Accept();---> working fine, like clicking Ok automatically even value is not there,
