microsoft / EasyRepro

Automated UI testing API for Dynamics 365
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[BUG] UCI test is unable to open the Accounts SubArea #1371

Closed 8its closed 1 year ago

8its commented 1 year ago

EasyRepro Version

UCI or Classic Web

Online or On Premise


Describe the bug
I´ve run the UCITestOpenActiveAccount test successfully in my local VS. I´ve associated this test to a Test Case in a DevOps project. Then I have a pipeline that runs the Test Case using Visual Studio Test. I get the following error:

BrowserAutomation Information: 9000 : BrowserInitialized invoked.
BrowserAutomation Information: 9001 : BrowserInitialized completed.
BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Login - Attempt 1/5
BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Login - 1 attempts - total execution time 14357.6912ms - Return Result: Success
BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Initialize Unified Interface Modes - Attempt 1/5
BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Initialize Unified Interface Modes - 1 attempts - total execution time 15074.0335ms - Return Result: True
BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Open App Sales Hub - Attempt 1/5
BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Initialize Unified Interface Modes - Attempt 1/5
BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Initialize Unified Interface Modes - 1 attempts - total execution time 25190.825ms - Return Result: True
BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Open App Sales Hub - 1 attempts - total execution time 25750.4388ms - Return Result: True
BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Open Sub Area - Attempt 1/5
BrowserAutomation Information: 10004 : Command Retry: Open Sub Area - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to click element. - Retry 2/5 initiated
BrowserAutomation Information: 10004 : Command Retry: Open Sub Area - System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to click element. - Retry 3/5 initiated
BrowserAutomation Information: 10003 : Command Failure: Open Sub Area - 3 attempts - total execution time 100722.0422ms - Return Result: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to click element.
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass52_0.<WaitUntilClickable>b__0() in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 520
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntil(ISearchContext driver, Func`2 searchFunc, Nullable`1 timeout, Action`1 successCallback, Action failureCallback) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 582
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntilClickable(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable`1 timeout, Action`1 successCallback, Action failureCallback) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 528
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntilClickable(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable`1 timeout, Action`1 successCallback, String exceptionMessage) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 520
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.ClickWhenAvailable(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable`1 timeout, String errorMessage) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 43
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI.WebClient.GetSubAreaMenuItems(IWebDriver driver) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI\WebClient.cs:line 722
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI.WebClient.TryOpenSubArea(IWebDriver driver, String subarea) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI\WebClient.cs:line 561
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI.WebClient.<>c__DisplayClass34_0.<OpenSubArea>b__0(IWebDriver driver) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI\WebClient.cs:line 525
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.DelegateBrowserCommand`1.ExecuteCommand(IWebDriver driver, Object[] params) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\DelegateBrowserCommand.cs:line 28
   at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.BrowserCommand`1.Execute[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9](IWebDriver driver, T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3, T4 p4, T5 p5, T6 p6, T7 p7, T8 p8, T9 p9) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\BrowserCommand.cs:line 103
BrowserAutomation Information: 9000 : BrowserDisposing invoked.
BrowserAutomation Information: 9001 : BrowserDisposing completed.

I´m trying to run the following code:

public void UCITestOpenActiveAccount()
            var client = new WebClient(TestSettings.Options);
            using (var xrmApp = new XrmApp(client))
                xrmApp.OnlineLogin.Login(_xrmUri, _username, _password, _mfaSecretKey);


                xrmApp.Navigation.OpenSubArea("Sales", "Accounts");

                xrmApp.Grid.SwitchView("All Accounts");

                xrmApp.Grid.Search("A. Datum");




All packages have been updated to the latest stable version.

Expected behavior
Finish the test successfully

Shakevg commented 1 year ago

8its Could you make a screenshot on an error and check it

8its commented 1 year ago




onlineusername, password and crm url are set in EasyRepro.runsettings file. what I am missing?

thank you

8its commented 1 year ago

... and after modifying the code to make it runnable, same error as in the beginning


here the results of a local test execution


any hint will be welcome thank you.

Shakevg commented 1 year ago

Please take a screenshot in Azure DevOps of how you pass parameters to run test step

8its commented 1 year ago

This is how we call the test plan image

this is the task in YAML format `steps:

The Test plan has been defined as follows image

Shakevg commented 1 year ago

You should specify Settings file or path to it in task: EasyRepro.runsettings image

8its commented 1 year ago

I´ve updated the RegressionTests.cs file, to open the Sales Hub app and commented everything after that. image

EasyRepro.runsettings has been configured in the Pipeline image

Error after running the pipeline image

Standard_Console_Output.log BrowserAutomation Information: 9000 : BrowserInitialized invoked. BrowserAutomation Information: 9001 : BrowserInitialized completed. BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Login - Attempt 1/5 BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Login - 1 attempts - total execution time 9770.4938ms - Return Result: Success BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Initialize Unified Interface Modes - Attempt 1/5 BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Initialize Unified Interface Modes - 1 attempts - total execution time 16342.4372ms - Return Result: True BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Open personalSettings SettingsMenu.About - Attempt 1/5 BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Open personalSettings SettingsMenu.About - 1 attempts - total execution time 699.7381ms - Return Result: True BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Dialog Click OK - Attempt 1/5 BrowserAutomation Information: 10002 : Command Success: Dialog Click OK - 1 attempts - total execution time 30161.6847ms - Return Result: True BrowserAutomation Information: 10001 : Command Start: Open App Sales Hub - Attempt 1/5 BrowserAutomation Information: 10004 : Command Retry: Open App Sales Hub - OpenQA.Selenium.ElementClickInterceptedException: element click intercepted: Element <iframe id="AppLandingPage" title="AppLandingPage" src="/%7b638181253350000220%7d/webresources/msdyn_appmanagementcontrol" class="pa-bk pa-cu pa-cm " cd_frame_id_="2c6d3d49d2b56fb748b123519a3223fe"></iframe> is not clickable at point (364, 591). Other element would receive the click: <div id="modalDialogRoot_1_1" tabindex="-1" class="pa-f pa-bk pa-a pa-p pa-au flexbox">...</div> (Session info: chrome=112.0.5615.138) - Retry 2/5 initiated BrowserAutomation Information: 10004 : Command Retry: Open App Sales Hub - OpenQA.Selenium.ElementClickInterceptedException: element click intercepted: Element <iframe id="AppLandingPage" title="AppLandingPage" src="/%7b638181253350000220%7d/webresources/msdyn_appmanagementcontrol" class="pa-bk pa-cu pa-cm " cd_frame_id_="099429835a801af46ddbc37d05218efd"></iframe> is not clickable at point (364, 591). Other element would receive the click: <div id="modalDialogRoot_1_1" tabindex="-1" class="pa-f pa-bk pa-a pa-p pa-au flexbox">...</div> (Session info: chrome=112.0.5615.138) - Retry 3/5 initiated BrowserAutomation Information: 10003 : Command Failure: Open App Sales Hub - 3 attempts - total execution time 13885.1272ms - Return Result: OpenQA.Selenium.ElementClickInterceptedException: element click intercepted: Element <iframe id="AppLandingPage" title="AppLandingPage" src="/%7b638181253350000220%7d/webresources/msdyn_appmanagementcontrol" class="pa-bk pa-cu pa-cm " cd_frame_id_="94c362b2284f45407006e69b57d8d26e"></iframe> is not clickable at point (364, 591). Other element would receive the click: <div id="modalDialogRoot_1_1" tabindex="-1" class="pa-f pa-bk pa-a pa-p pa-au flexbox">...</div> (Session info: chrome=112.0.5615.138) at OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriver.UnpackAndThrowOnError(Response errorResponse, String commandToExecute) at OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriver.Execute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary2 parameters) at OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriver.InternalExecute(String driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary2 parameters) at OpenQA.Selenium.WebElement.Execute(String commandToExecute, Dictionary2 parameters) at OpenQA.Selenium.WebElement.Click() at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.<>c.b2_0(IWebElement e) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 43 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntil(ISearchContext driver, Func2 searchFunc, Nullable1 timeout, Action1 successCallback, Action failureCallback) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 578 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntilClickable(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable1 timeout, Action1 successCallback, Action failureCallback) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 528 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntilClickable(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable1 timeout, Action1 successCallback, String exceptionMessage) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 520 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.ClickWhenAvailable(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable1 timeout, String errorMessage) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 43 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI.WebClient.<>c__DisplayClass32_0.b1(IWebElement appContainer) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI\WebClient.cs:line 475 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntil(ISearchContext driver, Func2 searchFunc, Nullable1 timeout, Action1 successCallback, Action failureCallback) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 578 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.SeleniumExtensions.WaitUntilVisible(ISearchContext driver, By by, Nullable1 timeout, Action1 successCallback, Action failureCallback) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\Extensions\SeleniumExtensions.cs:line 503 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI.WebClient.TryToClickInAppTile(String appName, IWebDriver driver) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI\WebClient.cs:line 474 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI.WebClient.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<OpenApp>b__0(IWebDriver driver) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Api.UCI\WebClient.cs:line 398 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.DelegateBrowserCommand1.ExecuteCommand(IWebDriver driver, Object[] params) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\DelegateBrowserCommand.cs:line 28 at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser.BrowserCommand`1.Execute[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9](IWebDriver driver, T1 p1, T2 p2, T3 p3, T4 p4, T5 p5, T6 p6, T7 p7, T8 p8, T9 p9) in D:\a\1\s\Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Browser\BrowserCommand.cs:line 103 Creating Page Source file with name EXCEPTION_Source_20230428080731.html BrowserAutomation Information: 9000 : BrowserDisposing invoked. BrowserAutomation Information: 9001 : BrowserDisposing completed.

Debug Trace: Creating Page Source file with name EXCEPTION_Source_20230428080731.html


Shakevg commented 1 year ago

Enable video recording and check what is happening, it looks like some extra dialog is opening.

8its commented 1 year ago

Nice feature! Now I can see that the test is not able to simulate a click on Sales, Accounts, so the test is stuck in the command xrmApp.Navigation.OpenSubArea("Sales", "Accounts");` The error message is the same "Unable to click element" as I mentioned at the beginning.

One thing that is so confusing is that when I run the test Regression_EntityControls_GetValue_SetValue locally it works but when running in the pipeline it does not. Is there any particular reason for this behavior?

Thank you for your support.

Shakevg commented 1 year ago

Post screenshot please

8its commented 1 year ago

Regression_EntityConttrols_GetValue_SetValue(). Some code is commented to avoid issues.

public void Regression_EntityControls_GetValue_SetValue()
            var telemetry = new Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient { InstrumentationKey = _azureKey };
            telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            telemetry.Context.Operation.ParentId = _sessionId;
            telemetry.Context.GlobalProperties.Add("Test", TestContext.TestName);
            var client = new WebClient(TestSettings.Options);
            var xrmApp = new XrmApp(client);
                telemetry.TrackTrace("Login Started");
                xrmApp.OnlineLogin.Login(_xrmUri, _username, _password, _mfaSecretKey);
                telemetry.TrackTrace("Login Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenAbout Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenAbout Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                telemetry.TrackTrace("Open Sales Hub Started");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("Open Sales Hub Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenSubArea Started");
                xrmApp.Navigation.OpenSubArea("Sales", "Accounts");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenSubArea Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                telemetry.TrackTrace("SwitchView Started");
                xrmApp.Grid.SwitchView("All Accounts");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("SwitchView Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("GetGridControl Started");
                //var gridHtml = xrmApp.Grid.GetGridControl();
                //WriteSource("GRID_", gridHtml);
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("GetGridControl Completed");

                telemetry.TrackTrace("Search Started");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("Search Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenRecord Started");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenRecord Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                #region Boolean
                telemetry.TrackTrace("GetValue-Text Started");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("GetValue-Text Completed");

                telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-Text Started");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-Text Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());
                //#region Lookup
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-LookupItem Started");
                //xrmApp.Entity.SetValue(new LookupItem { Name = "customerid", Value = "maria campbell", Index = 0 });

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-LookupItem Completed");

                telemetry.TrackEvent(String.Format("{0} is successful.", TestContext.TestName));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteSource("EXCEPTION_Source_", client.Browser.Driver.PageSource);
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());
                throw ex;

Execution from Visual Studio locally image

Execution from Pipeline image

Shakevg commented 1 year ago

I meant dynamics web app screenshot when error appeared

8its commented 1 year ago

There is no error at all. The following is a screenshot of the ScreenCapture.wmv file created during the test.


In the video I can see the same screen from minute1.15 until the end at min 2.49

8its commented 1 year ago

This is the video screen capture. At the end, after closing the blue bubble at top right, the test doesn´t do anything else, and it should open the Accounts list.

I hope this could help

Shakevg commented 1 year ago

Could please post screen for full stacktrace Looks like issue with blue drop that block any click on app, you should close it before. Do you use the same account for local and Azure test run? Do you see this drop on local run?

8its commented 1 year ago

Could please post screen for full stacktrace Looks like issue with blue drop that block any click on app, you should close it before. Do you use the same account for local and Azure test run? Do you see this drop on local run?

Sorry Shakevg, I don´t know where to get the full stacktrace. I use the same account for local and pipeline runs. In local run the blue bubble does not appear.

Thank you

8its commented 1 year ago


Here is the Error and Stack Trace pointing at line 335: Error message Test method Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Sample.UCI.RegressionTests.Regression_EntityControls_GetValue_SetValue threw exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to click element. Stack trace at Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Sample.UCI.RegressionTests.Regression_EntityControls_GetValue_SetValue() in \Microsoft.Dynamics365.UIAutomation.Sample\AzureDevOps\UCI\RegressionTests.cs:line 335

Here is the function that I am testing. Line 335 is the throw ex in the catch at the end

        public void Regression_EntityControls_GetValue_SetValue()
            var telemetry = new Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient { InstrumentationKey = _azureKey };
            telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            telemetry.Context.Operation.ParentId = _sessionId;
            telemetry.Context.GlobalProperties.Add("Test", TestContext.TestName);
            var client = new WebClient(TestSettings.Options);
            var xrmApp = new XrmApp(client);
                telemetry.TrackTrace("Login Started");
                xrmApp.OnlineLogin.Login(_xrmUri, _username, _password, _mfaSecretKey);
                telemetry.TrackTrace("Login Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                // ***
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenAbout Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenAbout Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("Open Sales Hub Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("Open Sales Hub Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenSubArea Started");
                xrmApp.Navigation.OpenSubArea("Sales", "Accounts");
                telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenSubArea Completed");
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SwitchView Started");
                //xrmApp.Grid.SwitchView("All Accounts");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SwitchView Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                // ***
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("GetGridControl Started");
                //var gridHtml = xrmApp.Grid.GetGridControl();
                //WriteSource("GRID_", gridHtml);
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("GetGridControl Completed");

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("Search Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("Search Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenRecord Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("OpenRecord Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                //#region Boolean
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("GetValue-Text Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("GetValue-Text Completed");

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-Text Started");
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-Text Completed");
                //TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());

                // ***
                //#region Lookup
                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-LookupItem Started");
                //xrmApp.Entity.SetValue(new LookupItem { Name = "customerid", Value = "maria campbell", Index = 0 });

                //telemetry.TrackTrace("SetValue-LookupItem Completed");

                telemetry.TrackEvent(String.Format("{0} is successful.", TestContext.TestName));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteSource("EXCEPTION_Source_", client.Browser.Driver.PageSource);
                TakeScreenshot(client, xrmApp.CommandResults.Last());
                throw ex; // line 335
8its commented 1 year ago

Oh my gosh! You won't believe it.

I've found this question, and now my pipeline is working after adding a task to resize the screen.

Thank you for your help, after all I've learned several things.