microsoft / EmbeddedTeamsChat

Third-party websites can use this solution to embed Microsoft Teams chats into their webpages
MIT License
26 stars 5 forks source link

Some general Advice please - and happy to pay for4 it, too! #8

Open GeldHades27355 opened 2 months ago

GeldHades27355 commented 2 months ago

Hey team, this looks exactly like something we would want to use on our website.

However, both our webdevs (Wordpress) and us have a bunch of questions that seem beyond the scope of documentation.

Apologies if some of these questions are a case of RTFM, but none of us are experts at this.

  1. If we spin up the cloud services in our Azure tenant as described, do our webdevs still need to code C#? If I understand correctly, their job is "only" to embed the JS client component - is that correct? Can you be more specific as to what the webdevs need to do on the (WordPress) site? What instructions exactly do I need to give them? Bear in mind that most webevs do not know C#.

  2. How are new chats isolated from each other? As in: do all chats create a new Teams Chat? If yes, how are they identified? If they all go in to the same chat, how can we identify each individual exchange?

  3. Do you have any experience as to how much the Azure services cost? Per chat, per message or whatever?

  4. Would any one on the team be willing to get on a call with us and/or demo what this looks like?


GeldHades27355 commented 2 months ago

Friendly BUMP