microsoft / FASTER

Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++.
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Immutable records with mangled keys returned during key iteration #885

Closed wazzamatazz closed 10 months ago

wazzamatazz commented 11 months ago

I have a key/value store using FasterKV<SpanByte, SpanByte>. I've observed that, when upserting existing entries, I'm sometimes left with additional and unexpected records that are visible when I perform key iteration but always have their Found flag to set false if I try and get or delete the key, meaning that I can't remove them.

What I have observed about these records is:

Any suggestions about what is going on here and how I can remove these rogue entries? Thanks!

badrishc commented 11 months ago

Can you create a stand alone repro so @TedHartMS can look into it?

stealthin commented 11 months ago

I've faced the same issue, some entries appears to get duplicated while iterating them. This is the code that fails:

public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> EnumerateKeyValues(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (_disposed)
            throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(MixedStorageKVStore<TKey, TValue>));

        // Session
        var session = GetPooledSession();
            foreach (var kvp in GetKeyValues(session, cancellationToken))
                yield return kvp;

    private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> GetKeyValues(ClientSession<SpanByte, SpanByte, SpanByte, SpanByteAndMemory, Empty, SpanByteFunctions<Empty>> session, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (_disposed)
            throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(MixedStorageKVStore<TKey, TValue>));

        using var iterator = session.Iterate();
        while (iterator.GetNext(out _))
            var kvp = TryReadKeyValueInternal(iterator, out var succeeded);
            if (succeeded)
                yield return kvp;

    private unsafe KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> TryReadKeyValueInternal(IFasterScanIterator<SpanByte, SpanByte> iterator, out bool succeeded)
            ref var keySpanByte = ref iterator.GetKey();
            var keySpan = keySpanByte.AsReadOnlySpan();
            TKey key;
            fixed (byte* pointer = &keySpan.GetPinnableReference())
                using var memoryManager = new UnmanagedMemoryManager<byte>(pointer, keySpan.Length);
                key = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<TKey>(memoryManager.Memory, _messagePackSerializerOptions);

            ref var valueSpanByte = ref iterator.GetValue();
            var valueSpan = valueSpanByte.AsReadOnlySpan();
            TValue value;
            fixed (byte* pointer = &valueSpan.GetPinnableReference())
                using var memoryManager = new UnmanagedMemoryManager<byte>(pointer, valueSpan.Length);
                value = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<TValue>(memoryManager.Memory, _messagePackSerializerOptions);

            succeeded = true;
            return new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(key, value);
        catch (Exception)
            // This is done because there is a bug in the iteration of the log, some kvp get iterated several times and their records are invalid
            // see:
            succeeded = false;
            return default;

This seems to happen especially after having made a full snapshot + recovery.

wazzamatazz commented 11 months ago

Can you create a stand alone repro so @TedHartMS can look into it?

I'll see if I can put something together that reproduces it. I've only seen this behaviour in an internal .NET Framework-based project that I can't share publicly.

wazzamatazz commented 11 months ago

This seems to happen especially after having made a full snapshot + recovery.

@badrishc This ties in with what I'm seeing as well.

I've been able to replicate this fairly consistently using the same key/value store implementation that I built around FASTER as the internal project that I can't share.

The spurious keys are saved as part of a full checkpoint but they aren't visible when iterating over keys until I restart the store and recover the checkpoint. I can replicate the behaviour using both .NET 8.0 and .NET Framework app so the issue doesn't appear to be framework-specific.

Example project:

The source code for the key/value store wrapper I'm using is available here.


  1. Build and run the attached project.
  2. Wait for at least 5 seconds and then press CTRL+C to close the app. The keys defined in the FASTER store are written to the console e.g.
warn: DataCore.Adapter.KeyValueStore.FASTER.FasterKeyValueStore[101]
      Error while recovering the FASTER log from the latest checkpoint. This message can be ignored the first time the FASTER store is used as there will be no checkpoint available to recover from.
      FASTER.core.FasterException: Unable to find valid HybridLog token
         at FASTER.core.FasterKV`2.FindRecoveryInfo(Int64 requestedVersion, HybridLogCheckpointInfo& recoveredHlcInfo, IndexCheckpointInfo& recoveredICInfo)
         at DataCore.Adapter.KeyValueStore.FASTER.FasterKeyValueStore..ctor(FasterKeyValueStoreOptions options, ILogger`1 logger)
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: C:\Repos\Other\FASTER-GitHub-885\FASTER-GitHub-885\bin\Debug\net48
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application is shutting down...
info: FASTER_GitHub_885.KVStoreRunner[0]
      Key: "FASTER:GitHub:885:TestKey"
  1. Run the project again.
  2. Press CTRL+C to close the app. The FASTER keys are written to the console again, but now include at least one example of a malformed key e.g.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: C:\Repos\Other\FASTER-GitHub-885\FASTER-GitHub-885\bin\Debug\net48
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application is shutting down...
info: FASTER_GitHub_885.KVStoreRunner[0]
      Key: "FASTER:GitHub:885:TestKey"
info: FASTER_GitHub_885.KVStoreRunner[0]
      Key: "FASTER:G\uFFFD\u0002\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000\uFFFD\u0002\u0000\u0000^\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0004"
badrishc commented 11 months ago

My suspicion is that the wrapper is using key or value without ref somewhere. SpanByte is a special heap struct that can never be used without "ref" because then only the first 8 or 16 bytes will get passed on (the predefined part of the struct).

wazzamatazz commented 11 months ago

@badrishc Thanks for the reply - I'll take a look at the wrapper. Is it actually possible to use a ref struct without the ref? I would have expected the compiler to complain.

EDIT: When it comes to writing the values I'm just using SpanByte.FromFixedSpan to create SpanByte instances from raw key and value bytes before performing the upsert. Should I be doing something else instead?

EDIT 2: When I'm performing reads or iterating over records I'm calling AsReadOnlySpan().ToArray() on the SpanByte instances to convert them into byte arrays. Is there an alternative approach that I should be considering?

wazzamatazz commented 10 months ago

@badrishrc Thanks for the suggestion - I think you were correct about the wrapper. If I write the key and value bytes to a Memory<byte> and then pin the memory before creating the key and value SpanByte instances I do not see the spurious entries anymore.

@stealthin FYI this is what I had to do in my wrapper when writing values in case it helps you:

private async ValueTask WriteCoreAsync(byte[] key, byte[] value) {

    var session = GetPooledSession();
    using (var memoryOwner = MemoryPool<byte>.Shared.Rent()) {
        if (memoryOwner == null) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Error_UnableToRentSharedMemory);

        var memory = memoryOwner.Memory;

        try {
            for (var i = 0; i < key.Length; i++) {
                memory.Span[i] = key[i];
            for (var i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) {
                memory.Span[key.Length + i] = value[i];

            using (memory.Pin()) {
                var keySpanByte = SpanByte.FromFixedSpan(memory.Slice(0, key.Length).Span);
                var valueSpanByte = SpanByte.FromFixedSpan(memory.Slice(key.Length, value.Length).Span);

                var result = await session.UpsertAsync(ref keySpanByte, ref valueSpanByte).ConfigureAwait(false);

                while (result.Status.IsPending) {
                    result = await result.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Mark the cache as dirty.
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _fullCheckpointIsRequired, 1);
        finally {
badrishc commented 10 months ago

A simpler way to code this, and avoid the memory copy is:

fixed (byte* keyPtr = key) {
fixed (byte* valuePtr = value) {

var keySB = SpanByte.FromPointer(keyPtr, key.Length);
var valueSB = SpanByte.FromFixedSpan(valuePtr, value.Length);

badrishc commented 10 months ago

I see you are using the async version, so fixed may not work. You can instead use:

GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(key, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr keyPtr = h.AddrOfPinnedObject();

wazzamatazz commented 10 months ago

Thanks @badrishc - I initially tried to use fixed but ran into problems because I was using async. I'll try out your alternative approach!