Closed nabalamu closed 3 years ago
thanks @nabalamu for the feedback. What is a desirable API? Would the following work?
def plot_confusion_matrix(estimator, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
'''Binarize the data for multi-class tasks and plot confusion matrix
estimator: A multi-class classification estimator
X_train: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of training data
y_train: A numpy array or a pandas series of training labels
X_test: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of test data
y_test: A numpy array or a pandas series of test labels
Sure, the above API works. Similar APIs can be implemented for ROC curve and Precision-Recall curve as well.
def plot_roc_curve(estimator, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
'''Binarize the data for multi-class tasks and plot ROC curve
estimator: A multi-class classification estimator
X_train: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of training data
y_train: A numpy array or a pandas series of training labels
X_test: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of test data
y_test: A numpy array or a pandas series of test labels
def plot_pr_curve(estimator, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
'''Binarize the data for multi-class tasks and plot Precision-Recall curve
estimator: A multi-class classification estimator
X_train: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of training data
y_train: A numpy array or a pandas series of training labels
X_test: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of test data
y_test: A numpy array or a pandas series of test labels
There are a few hardcoded things like figsize=(10,10)
and fmt='.2f'
in your code. Do you prefer making the plot function outside flaml so that you can customize these visual elements, or keep them hardcoded in flaml?
Also, after taking a closer look, I think the following APIs are more appropriate:
def norm_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred):
'''normalized confusion matrix
estimator: A multi-class classification estimator
y_true: A numpy array or a pandas series of true labels
y_pred: A numpy array or a pandas series of predicted labels
A normalized confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
norm_conf_mat = conf_mat.astype('float') / conf_mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
return norm_conf_mat
def multi_class_curves(y_true, y_pred_proba, curve_func):
'''Binarize the data for multi-class tasks and produce ROC or precision-recall curves
y_true: A numpy array or a pandas series of true labels
y_pred_proba: A numpy array or a pandas dataframe of predicted probabilites
curve_func: A function to produce a curve (e.g., roc_curve or precision_recall_curve)
A tuple of two dictionaries with the same set of keys (class indices)
The first dictionary curve_x stores the x coordinates of each curve, e.g.,
curve_x[0] is an 1D array of the x coordinates of class 0
The second dictionary curve_y stores the y coordinates of each curve, e.g.,
curve_y[0] is an 1D array of the y coordinates of class 0
from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize
classes = np.unique(y_true)
y_true_binary = label_binarize(y_true, classes=classes)
curve_x, curve_y = {}, {}
for i in range(len(classes)):
curve_x[i], curve_y[i], _ = curve_func(y_true_binary[:, i], y_pred_proba[:, i])
return curve_x, curve_y
My team is working on a multiclass classification model for a predicting the workload type(POC, Prod, Dev, Test) of Azure services like SQLDW, Synapse and SQLDB. We replaced the Gridsearch/XGBoost with FLAML XGBoost for better performance. Since it is multiclass classification, we implemented more metrics like normalized confusion matrix, Precision-Recall curve and Roc-curve using OneVsRestClassifier for binarizing the labels for our final model so that we can measure the performance for prediction of each individual workload type, in additional to accuracy, precision and recall of overall model. This seems like a common requirement that other FLAML users might have and it will be valuable to add these features for multiclass classification models.
The link to access the jupyter notebook for multiclass classification is
It has the implementation of above metrics in the last section of the file(5. Metrics).