microsoft / Focal-Transformer

[NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight] Official code for "Focal Self-attention for Local-Global Interactions in Vision Transformers"
MIT License
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Hugging Face Hub Integration #2

Open osanseviero opened 2 years ago

osanseviero commented 2 years ago

Hi there!

Focal Transfomers look very interesting! I see you currently save your model checkpoints through links to a hosted server. Would you be interested in sharing the pretrained models in the Hugging Face Hub through the Microsoft organization?

The Hub offers free hosting of over 20K models, and it would make your work more accessible and visible to the rest of the community. Some of the benefits of sharing your models would be:

Creating the repos and adding new models should be a relatively straightforward process if you've used Git before. This is a step-by-step guide explaining the process in case you're interested. Please let us know if you would be interested and if you have any questions.

Happy to hear your thoughts, Omar and the Hugging Face team

cc @LysandreJik

jwyang commented 2 years ago

Hi, Omar,

Very glad that you noticed our work! That would be great if the models can be integrated into the Hugging Face Hub! I do not have any experience with this. What should I do for this goal? Should I follow the step-by-step guide you shared above?

thanks, Jianwei

osanseviero commented 2 years ago

Hi Jianwei!

If you share your Hugging Face username, I can add you to the Microsoft organization. Once that's done, I think you can follow the step-by-step guide for each model:

  1. Create a repo under the Microsoft org
  2. Clone locally
  3. Add your checkpoint
  4. And push :)

I would also suggest to create a nice model card that provides information about the model. I'm happy to give further pointers and guide you through the process via Slack as well if you prefer!

jwyang commented 2 years ago

Hi, Omar,

Thanks for your instructions! I just created a user account and the username is jw2yang. Once you add me to the Microsoft organization, I can try to follow your step-by-step guide to push the models. I will be very likely to ask you more questions through slack, :)


osanseviero commented 2 years ago

Cool! We've added you to the organization!

jwyang commented 2 years ago


mathshangw commented 2 years ago

excuse me does the code exist in hugging face yet or not