microsoft / Font-Validator

Font Validator is a tool for testing fonts prior to release. This testing ensures that fonts meet Microsoft's high quality standards and perform exceptionally well on Microsoft's platform.
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Shell script for easy commandline use on Mac OS X #4

Open twardoch opened 9 years ago

twardoch commented 9 years ago

This is a small shell script that you can use to run Font Validator from Terminal on Mac OS X. In my case, I put the FontValidator binaries into the /usr/local/mono/fontval folder. You can put it anywhere, but make sure to update the line starting with export FVALDIR to point to that location. You can copy-paste the code below into a plain-text file and proceed as described below. Make sure that the line #!/usr/bin/env bash is the very first line in the file (no blank lines above).

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Use
# or
# on Mac OS X
#1. Install
#2. Run: brew install mono
#3. Run: brew install freetype
#4. Change line 5 of SharpFont.dll.config to: 
# <dllentry os="osx" dll="/usr/local/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib" />
#5. Here, set the folder in which FontValidator.exe and fval.xsl can be found:
export FVALDIR=/usr/local/mono/fontval
#6. Save this file as /usr/local/bin/fontval and do `chmod gou+x /usr/local/bin/fontval`
# Run this as fontval myfont1.ttf myfont2.ttf...
for p in "$@"
  echo "Validating $p..."
  # This runs FontValidator.exe via mono and outputs the XML report into the same folder as the font
  mono "$FVALDIR/FontValidator.exe" -file "$p" -quiet -report-in-font-dir
  # This converts the XML report into HTML and opens it, removing the XML report
  xsltproc --output "$p.fval.html" "$FVALDIR/fval.xsl" "$"
  rm "$"
  open "$p.fval.html"
anthrotype commented 9 years ago


HinTak commented 9 years ago

Thanks! This probably belongs to the wiki, or go into a 'helper-script' directory?

aaronbell commented 9 years ago

Hi Adam! This is great. I think this should probably go into a helper-script directory with points from the Wiki / Readme. Awesome!

twardoch commented 9 years ago

Helper-script is better. I'll probably contribute some simple Python stuff as well, for easy integration with font editors. I'll fork and put the code myself, then issue a pull request (it's about time I do my first Github pull request ever ;)


Sent from my mobile phone.

On 16.11.2015, at 19:04, Aaron wrote:

Hi Adam! This is great. I think this should probably go into a helper-script directory with points from the Wiki / Readme. Awesome!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

HinTak commented 9 years ago

I would put it under contrib/OSX/ as helper-script or something like that; some of the information in the script could go onto a wiki (and not just linked from a wiki). I suggest that you put some minimal "boiler plate" stuff at the top with e.g. your name & license as per usual practice of such scripts that are contributed to be included.

HinTak commented 8 years ago

I have just made a change: to auto-generate html on non-windows, so the xsltproc line is no longer needed.

It is a code sniplet that has been sitting in my dev area for a while - I just wasn't too sure if I want to add it. The html version does not give any new info, but mainly needed only because built-in xml viewing does not work. Therefore it might be a better idea to get report viewing working on all platforms. at the moment it is enabled for all non-windows, but I might make it optional later.

HinTak commented 8 years ago

Actually the command line tool no longer needs mono to run:

HinTak commented 8 years ago

And the GUI works independently now too... Just duplicating my posting...

Okay, no more messing with command lines or environment variables. New mac os "FontVal-*.dmg" disk image: Font Validator/

You just download, double click to open the disk image, which contains exactly one icon to click. You double-click that, it launches the GUI !

I feel that I should get some donation on this, so please do make one ( if you find this neat .