microsoft / GHAzDO-Resources

Resources, Scripts, etc. for GitHub Advanced Security on Azure DevOps
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Prevent the release pipeline start based on codelql output #30

Closed dariusz-bzowka-chain-insight closed 6 months ago

dariusz-bzowka-chain-insight commented 6 months ago


How can I prevent the release pipeline start based on codelql output?

4ex: I run the build pipeline with codeql tasks, if "high" level alerts detected I don't want to deploy with the release pipeline.

dariusz-bzowka-chain-insight commented 6 months ago

Ok. I took your script and rearange, and now I have what I need (works with regular powershell):

$pat = $env:PAT 
$repository = $env:CHINS_REPOSITORY_NAME 

$orgUri = 'https://vsrm.xxxxxxx'
$project = 'xxxxx'
$orgName = 'xxxxxx'

$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(    ":$pat"   )))" }

# Report Configuration
$severities = @("critical", "high")
$states = @("active")
$alertTypes = @("code", "secret", "dependency")
$severityDays = @{
    "critical" = 7
    "high"     = 30
    "medium"   = 90
    "low"      = 180
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$alertList = @()

    $alertUri = $orgUri + ('/' * ($orgUri[-1] -ne '/')) + [uri]::EscapeUriString($project + '/_git/' + $repository + '/alerts')
    $alerts = $null
    $parsedAlerts = $null
    $url = "{0}/{1}/_apis/alert/repositories/{2}/alerts?top={3}&api-version=7.2-preview.1" -f $orgName, $project, $repository, $maxAlertsPerRepo

    try {
        $alerts = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method Get -SkipHttpErrorCheck
        if ($alerts.StatusCode -ne 200) {
            # Check to see if advanced security is enabled for the repo -
            $enablementurl = "{0}/{1}/_apis/management/repositories/{2}/enablement" -f $orgName, $project, $repository
            $repoEnablement = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $enablementurl -Headers $headers -Method Get -SkipHttpErrorCheck
            $enablement = $repoEnablement.content | ConvertFrom-Json

            if (!$enablement.advSecEnabled) {
                Write-Error " Advanced Security is not enabled for $alertUri"
            elseif ($alerts.StatusCode -eq 404) {
                # 404 = Repo has no source code
                Write-Error " Repo is empty for $alertUri"
            else {
                # 403 = Token has no permissions to view Advanced Security alerts
                Write-Error " Error $($alerts.StatusCode) $($alerts.StatusDescription) getting alerts from Azure DevOps Advanced Security for $($alertUri)"
        $parsedAlerts = $alerts.content | ConvertFrom-Json

    catch {
        Write-Error " Unhandled Exception getting alerts from Azure DevOps Advanced Security: $($_.Exception.Message), $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode), $($_.Exception.Response.RequestMessage.RequestUri)"

    $alertList += foreach ($alert in $parsedAlerts.value) {
        # -and $alert.firstSeen -as [DateTime] -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-$slaDays) `
        if ($alert.severity -in $severities `
                -and $alert.state -in $states `
                -and $alert.alertType -in $alertTypes) {
            # use a custom object so we can control sorting
                "Alert Id"         = $alert.alertId
                "Alert State"      = $alert.state
                "Alert Title"      = $alert.title
                "Alert Type"       = $alert.alertType
                "Severity"         = $alert.severity

if ($alertList.Count -gt 1) {
    $alertList = $alertList | Sort-Object -Property "Alert Id"

if ($alertList.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Error " Allerts detected !!"
    exit 1

else {
    Write-Host "No alerts detected for at the scope:$scope ( org: $orgName$( $scope -in @('project','repository') ? ', project: ' + $project : '' )$( $scope -in @('repository') ? ', repository: ' + $repository : '' ))"
    exit 0