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How to indicate that memory management moved to parent (like in Qt QObject) #1057

Closed shemeshg closed 1 year ago

shemeshg commented 1 year ago

In Qt, memory managed by parent and transferred by pointer. How do I indicate that the GSL::owner() is now managed by the parent (but not moved). [Maybe GSL:owner() may turn in to GSL::ownerParent<> for example]

This means that the

  1. Linter should not worry anymore for freeing this memory..
  2. I can keep reference that although Im not responsible for managing it.

This is important since

  1. Parent management, might not be a good thing, though probably it here to stay with us for the next coming years,
  2. Other frameworks like WxWidgets also use that
  3. It is inevitableת We'd like to use Linter for Qt widgets where parent memory management is a must..
dmitrykobets-msft commented 1 year ago

Hi @shemeshg, do you have a minimal code example for the case you are describing? That would be very helpful. Thanks.

shemeshg commented 1 year ago

Here I used //NOLING to suppress the error

You can assume QMenu *fileMenu = new QMenu("File"); is actually gsl::owner<QMenu>("File"); I did not used gsl::owner here because then it will complain I did not freed that memory....

    QMenuBar* menuBar = new QMenuBar(); //NOLINT
    QMenu *fileMenu = new QMenu("File");
    QAction *aboutAct = new QAction(tr("About"), this);
    aboutAct->setStatusTip(tr("Show the application's About box"));
    connect(aboutAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &UiMain::about);

    QAction *aboutQtAct = new QAction(tr("About Qt"), this);
    aboutQtAct->setStatusTip(tr("Show the Qt library's About box"));
    connect(aboutQtAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &QApplication::aboutQt);

    QAction *quitQtAct = new QAction(tr("Quit"), this);
    connect(quitQtAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &QApplication::quit);



in Qt menuBar is not required to be deleted of freed explicitly, since submitting to parent mainLayout->setMenuBar(menuBar); already does it all., using unique pointer or explicit destructor, would cause it to be deleted twice...

Here example of the QT documentation web site,MainWindow,-Class%20Implementation

    QWidget *widget = new QWidget;

    QWidget *topFiller = new QWidget;
    topFiller->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);

    infoLabel = new QLabel(tr("<i>Choose a menu option, or right-click to "
                              "invoke a context menu</i>"));
    infoLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken);

    QWidget *bottomFiller = new QWidget;
    bottomFiller->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);

    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);

WxWidget example (from ducumentation),MyFrame,-%3A%3AMyFrame()

        : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "Hello World")
    wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
    menuFile->Append(ID_Hello, "&Hello...\tCtrl-H",
                     "Help string shown in status bar for this menu item");

    wxMenu *menuHelp = new wxMenu;

    wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
    menuBar->Append(menuFile, "&File");
    menuBar->Append(menuHelp, "&Help");


    SetStatusText("Welcome to wxWidgets!");

    ... continued below ...

Very simple example easy to compile with cmake and qt

Thanks Shemeshg

dmitrykobets-msft commented 1 year ago

Hi @shemeshg,

Please confirm if my understanding is correct. You have a couple of distinct concerns here:

1) You are using an API outside of your control which intends to consume ownership of a pointer, but does not explicitly use the gsl::owner annotation (for instance, QMainWindow::setMenuBar(QMenuBar *menuBar)). You would like to keep using gsl::owner in your own code, and communicate to the ownership checker that this function does take ownership.

2) You would like for way to transfer function-local ownership into a non-function-local scope, while not invalidating the original owner pointer.

struct A
    gsl::owner<int*> class_level_owner;
    void takeOwnership(gsl::owner<int*> owner) { 
        class_level_owner = owner; 
void foo(A a)
   gsl::owner<int*> my_owner = new int(42);
   ++(*my_owner); // valid, if we say that my_owner is not "moved"

3) You would like the behavior in (2) to also work for the cases in (1)

shemeshg commented 1 year ago


This exactly describe the problem. Especially as you said

++(*my_owner); // valid, if we say that my_owner is not "moved"

is the essence of it, since in QT programmers keeps referencing and changing my_owner while class_level_owner kept private and used for `parental memory management' only..

dmitrykobets-msft commented 1 year ago

Hi @shemeshg,

To address concerns (2) and (3):

With the current model of GSL owner, passing an owner to a function will unavoidably transfer ownership into that function. This applies to both free functions and class methods.

void bar(gsl::owner<int*> o);
struct A
    void bar(gsl::owner<int*> o);

void foo1()
    gsl::owner<int*> ptr = new int(42);
    bar(ptr); // ptr has now transferred ownership into bar's parameter o
    ++(*ptr); // BAD
void foo2()
    gsl::owner<int*> ptr = new int(42);
    A a;; // ptr has now transferred ownership into bar's parameter o
    ++(*ptr); // BAD

This is the expected behavior, because the ownership model intends for the checks to perform non-global static analysis. The checker will not look into the body of bar in the general case, and so will not attempt to differentiate between implementations of bar such as:

A::bar(gsl::owner<int*> o) { my_class_member_ = o; }
// versus
A::bar(gsl::owner<int*> o) { delete o; }
// - for this implementation, calling `bar(my_owner);` and then `++(*my_owner);` is bad!

So the answer to your question (2) is: no, this is not possible. If you want to keep using the pointer after it has been passed to the function, you will have to re-acquire it somehow from QMenuBar.

To address concern (1):

Without proper gsl::owner annotations, it is impossible to avoid generating ownership warnings. However, if you want to preserve as many ownership semantics as possible, and minimize the locations where you need to add suppressions, you could create a simple wrapper:

void addMenu(QMenuBar *menuBar, gsl::owner<QMenu*> fileMenu)
    // add NOLINT where appropriate

This will allow ownership errors to still be caught at the callsites:

// example ownership mistake
void maybeAddFileMenu(QMenuBar* menuBar, bool condition)
    gsl::owner<QMenu*> fileMenu = new QMenu("File");
    if (condition) {
        addMenu(menuBar, fileMenu); // ownership transferred in this branch, OK
    // BAD, forgot to delete fileMenu if condition == false
    // owner checker will raise warning

If these solutions are not desirable, then the ownership model is most likely not compatible with this existing Qt API.

shemeshg commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the detailed response, The abstraction suggested will not work, since properties in most cases stored on a class.

This would cause the Linter to expects delete in the destructor (and no delete used in Qt).

uimain.h:17:5: member variable of type 'gsl::owner<>' requires the class 'UiMain' to implement a destructor to release the owned resource [cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory]

Thanks anyway, I appreciate very much the effort. For now I'll just keep using //NOLINT at the new statement, hopefully maybe in the future there will be Owner annotation for that.

dmitrykobets-msft commented 1 year ago

Are you still referring to QMenuBar* menuBar = new QMenuBar(); //NOLINT? Looking at the code in uimain.cpp I think QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout; and QMenuBar* menuBar = new QMenuBar(); can use the owner annotation using my suggestions above, since they are not class members. But that is up to you.