microsoft / GraphEngine

Microsoft Graph Engine
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[Bug Report] Little Bug in TrinityCluster #337

Open qingzhu521 opened 2 years ago

qingzhu521 commented 2 years ago
截屏2021-08-12 上午11 23 30

It should be Proxies.Count

TaviTruman commented 2 years ago

@qingzhu521 I will take a look at this; I have never tried to use the Proxy capability, so this is new to me. I will add it the growing list of issues slated for fixing in this Sprint.

TaviTruman commented 2 years ago

@qingzhu521 The most current (unofficial) repro I have forked and you can grab that code for the most recent fixes, updates, and new capabilities. I have to circle back around get the Microsoft Research team to sync updates back to this repro but there is some clean-up to do.

TaviTruman commented 2 years ago

Okay, I have a new set of Tests for Proxy. I'll post the fix in my repo. Microsoft does not seem to support this repo.

TaviTruman commented 1 year ago

I am taking another look at this as I am using the Proxy capability.

TaviTruman commented 1 year ago

FYI - I have been working on upgrading the C++ Trinity TSL Parser and C# code generator, bringing it up to C# 11 and .NET 7. This and other warnings/errors are growing as the .NET runtime and C# language advance. I know that does not answer your question or solve your problem, but I have been looking into this case.