microsoft / HoloJS

Provides a framework for creating holographic apps using JavaScript and WebGL.
MIT License
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Threejs sample is not supporting latest version Three.js #66

Closed dadvav closed 7 years ago

dadvav commented 7 years ago

ThreeJs sample is using some older version and is needed to adjust sample for latest version.

In file app.js this._holographicViewMatrix.elements.set(window.getViewMatrix()); replace with this._holographicViewMatrix.fromArray(window.getViewMatrix());

adam-clarey commented 7 years ago

I've experienced the same. I need to use a newer version of FBXLoader which needs the newer three.js

Almost-Done commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the feedback! I'll rev the ThreeJS version to 87 and use your comments to fix setting the view matrix.