microsoft / HoloLens2ForCV

Sample code and documentation for using the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for Computer Vision research.
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integrating QR Code Tracking with Stream Recorder #116

Open guillermoacdc opened 2 years ago

guillermoacdc commented 2 years ago

I need to locate the world reference system (system where point clouds are mapped after running StreamRecorder) of my Hololens2 in a predefined point/orientation in the space. One of my alternatives is described in two steps:

  1. Locate a QR marker in the predefined point/orientation of my workspace and use QR code tracking to map this pose with respect to rig reference system
  2. Pass the value of the detected pose to the Stream Recorder App and use this as the reference pose for the world coordinate system.

How to pass arguments between these two applications? (QR code tracking, Stream Recorder App) Is there a way to resolve this online? I mean, without stopping the application in step 1 and then initiallizing the app in step 2 Thanks in advance!