microsoft / HoloLens2ForCV

Sample code and documentation for using the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for Computer Vision research.
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variable sampling frequency of rgb and depth cameras in StreamRecorder application #152

Open guillermoacdc opened 1 year ago

guillermoacdc commented 1 year ago

Hello guys. I have recorded some scenes with HL2 and StreamRecorder application. All the scenes were recorded with the same device and the same binaries for StreamRecorder. After compute the pointclouds with the provided scripts, i have computed the sampling frequency: based on the average distance between adjacent ticks in the rig2world.txt file The results are not consistent,

scene fs(Hz) 1.0000 3.3712 2.0000 4.0498 3.0000 0.9992 4.0000 0.9991 5.0000 0.9991 6.0000 3.6533 7.0000 0.9991 8.0000 3.8681 9.0000 3.8815 10.0000 3.4760 11.0000 0.9991 12.0000 4.0679 13.0000 0.9992 14.0000 3.9936 15.0000 3.5331 16.0000 3.5964 17.0000 3.6729 18.0000 0.9992

Can anybody explain why this behaviour?