microsoft / HoloLens2ForCV

Sample code and documentation for using the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for Computer Vision research.
MIT License
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Eye Tracking #62

Open A00107408 opened 3 years ago

A00107408 commented 3 years ago

Does this API provide access to the HoloLens 2 eye tracking sensors?

dorinung commented 3 years ago

It does not.

A00107408 commented 3 years ago

Are there any plans in the pipeline to include eye tracking in the near future?

Does it allow access to the microphone?

kysucix commented 3 years ago

hi, eye tracking sensors are not directly exposed, it's exposed the eye gaze and also the microphone.

A00107408 commented 3 years ago

Excellent, this is what I needed to know. So I can have access to raw video feed and eye gaze and microphone all at the same time using this API??

Do you have any example project using this API for eye gaze? and the microphone?