microsoft / HoloLensForCV

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Changing framerate and resolution of Recorder #109

Open justinklchan opened 5 years ago

justinklchan commented 5 years ago

I noticed that the framerate by default is ~60fps. This results in an enormous amount of data being collected. For example, recording using the PhotoVideo sensor for 1 minute results in over 3GB of image files.

Two ways this can be mitigated is to alter the framerate or the resolution.

Does anyone know how to do this? I have been tinkering with the code for a bit, but am unable to find a solution.

I noticed that changing this line in Shared\Graphics\Include\Graphics\StepTimer.h from _qpcFrequency = GetPerformanceFrequency() to _qpcFrequency = GetPerformanceFrequency()/(60/targetFrameRate)

_framesPerSecond correctly reporting my target frame rate.

However, when I record using the app, it still results in an enormous amount of images collected, which suggests, it is not actually recording at the target frame rate.

If there is another solution to reduce the file size without reducing framerate or resolution, please let me know.