microsoft / InteractiveDataDisplay.WPF

Interactive Data Display for WPF is a set of controls for adding interactive visualization of dynamic data to your application. It allows to create line graphs, bubble charts, heat maps and other complex 2D plots which are very common in scientific software. Interactive Data Display for WPF integrates well with Bing Maps control to show data on a geographic map in latitude/longitude coordinates. The controls can also be operated programmatically.
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Why the Chart is sealed? #6

Open TruePluto opened 6 years ago

TruePluto commented 6 years ago

HI I'm glad to find this package. it' very useful. but I found that the package is different to the old version of dynamicdatedisplay. and I have some little issues to ask.

1 Is The package NOT a CLSCompliant . 2 The class Chart Sealed so can not derived from it, why?. 3 The legend is overlay the main curve region, can it settle at right side like a nomal chart..


NikitaSkoblov commented 6 years ago


  1. This is fixed in latest version. Now package should be CLS-compliant (with some exceptional methods marked with corresponding attributes).
  2. Originally, the idea was that Chart is not a PlotBase descendant but a special CustomControl with specific style, so there should be no need to inherit from it as you can always write your own CustomControl with custom style. However, we decided to remove those restriction in latest version as there still could be some cases where library user can inherit from Chart for his or her own needs.
  3. You can override default Chart style and remove legend from it together with creating new Legend instance with LegendItemsPanel in appropriate place and connect them to your Plot.
TruePluto commented 6 years ago

Thank you. My new question is when I can get the new version from NUget