microsoft / Kusto-Query-Language

Kusto Query Language is a simple and productive language for querying Big Data.
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Intellisense false-positive for top-nested aggregation column #3

Closed dimitri-b closed 4 years ago

dimitri-b commented 4 years ago

In the code below itellisense redlines the new column with the warning that it doesn't exist, but the code runs fine and the column clearly exists. See screenshot below.

let T = materialize (
    | where State in~ ("Alaska","Arkansas","Hawaii")
    | summarize Events = count() by EventType, State
// state totals
T | summarize StateEvents = sum(Events) by State
// state/event totals
| join T on State
| project State, EventType, EventRatio = 1.0 * Events/StateEvents
// for some fun
| top-nested 3 of State by Dummy = max(1)
    , top-nested 4 of EventType with others = "Other" by EventRatio = sum(EventRatio)
| where isnotempty(State)
| project-away Dummy
| render piechart with (xcolumn=EventType,  ysplit=panels)


mattwar commented 4 years ago

This is fixed.