Currently, using "summarize by " throw the following error:
Summarize group key 'dynamic column' is of a 'dynamic' type. Please use an explicit cast (for example, 'summarize ... by tostring(process_path)') as grouping by a 'dynamic' type is not supported.
Enhancement proposition
Enhancement could be "summarize" casting by default to string any column specified after the "by" clause before proceeding to the aggregation. Usability will be greatly improved by removing useless tostring(mycol).
I don't think this change will cause compatibility issues because of the current behavior raising an error, so that no query could be working currently if there isn't an explicit cast.
Current Behavior of "summarize by"
Currently, using "summarize by" throw the following error:
Summarize group key 'dynamic column' is of a 'dynamic' type. Please use an explicit cast (for example, 'summarize ... by tostring(process_path)') as grouping by a 'dynamic' type is not supported.
Enhancement proposition
Enhancement could be "summarize" casting by default to string any column specified after the "by" clause before proceeding to the aggregation. Usability will be greatly improved by removing useless tostring(mycol). I don't think this change will cause compatibility issues because of the current behavior raising an error, so that no query could be working currently if there isn't an explicit cast.