microsoft / LightGBM

A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
MIT License
16.53k stars 3.82k forks source link

get error when run "mingw32-make.exe -j4" on win10 64 #2593

Closed jiliguluss closed 4 years ago

jiliguluss commented 4 years ago

Environment info

Operating System: win10 64

CPU/GPU model:

C++/Python/R version:

LightGBM version or commit hash:

Error message

D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\build>mingw32-make.exe -j4 Scanning dependencies of target _lightgbm Scanning dependencies of target lightgbm [ 1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/c_api.cpp.obj [ 3%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/lightgbm_R.cpp.obj [ 4%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/application/application.cpp.obj [ 6%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/lightgbm.dir/src/main.cpp.obj D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\application\application.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent) /! ^D \Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent) /! ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\lightgbm_R.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent) /! ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\main.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent) /! ^ In file included from c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\bits\postypes.h:40:0, from c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\bits\chartraits.h:40, from c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\string:40, I n f i l e from c:\minignwc\lluidbed from \cg:cc\mingw32\5.3.0\inc\lumdien\gcw++l\isbt\dgecxcc\empitn:g3w93,2 \ 5 . 3 . 0 \ i n c l u d e \ c + +f\rboimt sc\:p\omsitnygpwe\sl.ih:40:0, \ g c c \ m i n g w 3 2 \ 5 . 3 . 0f\rionmc lcu:d\e\cm++\airray:38,n g w \ l i b \ g c c \ m i n g w 3 2f\r5o.m3 .c0:\imnicnlguwd\el\icb++g\cbci\tmsi\ngcwh3a2r_5t.r3a.i0t\si.nhc:l4u0d,e c + + \ t u p le : 3 9 , f r o m c : \ m i n g w \flriobm\ gcc:c\mi\ngw\limb\igncgcw\3m2i\ng5w3.23.50.\3i.n0c\liundcel\ucd+e+\cs+t+r\ifnugn:c4ti0o,n l : 5 5 , f r o mf rDo:m/ WDo:r/kWsoprakcsep/aCc+e+//CL+i+g/hLtiGgBhMt/GiBnMc/liundcel/uLdieg/htGBML/iugthitlGsB/Ml/omge.tha:.8h,: 0 , f r o mf rDo:m/ WDo:r/kWsoprakcsep/aCc+e+//CL+i+g/hLtiGgBhMt/GiBnMc/liundcel/uLdieg/hLtiGgBhMt/GuBtMi/lcso/ncfoimgm.ohn:.1h2:,8 , f rformo mD :D/:W\oWrokrskpsapcaec/eC+C++/+L\igLhitgGhBtMG/iBnMc\lsurdc\e/lLiigghhttgGbBmM/Rb.ocopspt:i7n:g hc::8\,m n g w \ l i b \ g c c \ m i n g w 3f2r\o5m. 3D.:0\Wionrcklsupdaec\ec+C+++c\wLcihgahrt:G1B7M7\:s1r1c:\ cer_raopri:. c'p:p::w7c:s cca:t\'mi nhgaws\ lniobt\ gbcece\nm idnegcwl3a2r\e5d. 3 . 0 \uisnicnlgu d:e:\wcc+s+c\actw;c a r : 1 7 7 : 1 1 : e^r ror: 'c:::\wmcisncgawt\'l ihba\sg cnco\tm ibnegewn3 2d\e5c.l3a.r0e\di n c l uudsei\ncg+ +:\:cwwccshcaart:;1 8 : 1 1 : e r r o r^: '::wcscc:m\pm'i nhgaws\ lniobt\ gbcece\nm idnegcwl3a2r\e5d. . 0 \ iunscilnugd e:\:cw+c+s\ccmwpc;h r : 1 7 8 : 1 1 : e r^r r: ':c::w\cmsicnmgpw'\ lhiabs\ gncoct\ mbienegnw 3d2e\c5l.a3r.e0d\ n c l uudsei\ncg+ +:\:cwwccshar:179:11: errcomrp:; : : w c s c o l l ' h^a not cb:e\emni ndgewc\llairbe\dg c c \ muisnignwg3 2:\:5w.c3s.c0o\liln;c u d e \ c + + \ c w c h^a r:1c7:9\:m1i1n:g we\rlriobr\:g c'c:\:mwicnsgcwo3l2l\'5 .h3as. 0n\oit nbceleund ed\ecc+l+a\rcewdc a r : 1u8s0i:n1g 1:::wcs coellr; o r : ' : : w c s c p^y has nco:t\ mbienegnw \dleicbl\agrcecd\ m i n guws3i2n\g5 .:3:.w0c\sicnpcyl;u e \ c + + \ c w c h a r^: 80:11:c :\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\e5r.3r.o0r\:i n'c:l:uwdces\ccp+y+'\ chwacsh anro:t1 8b1e:e1n1 :d eecrlraorre:d : : w cusscisnpgn ': :hwacss cnpoyt; b e e n d e c l a r e^d

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    • s1, const wcch:a\rmitn*g w_lsi2b\gcc\mingw32\5). . 0 \ i^n lude\c+c+:\cmwicnhgawr\:l iIbn\ gfcucn\cmtiinon g'ww3c2h\a5r.3t.*0 \sitndc:l:uwdces\rcc+h+r(cwwcchhaarr:t I,n wfcuhnacrt_ito)n' :' cch:a\rm_itng ws\tldi:b:\wgccscr\cmhirn(gwwc3h2a\r5_.t3.,0 \wicnhcalru_dte)\'c:+ \cc:w\cmhianrg:w2\2l1i:b5\6g:c ce\rmrionr:g wi3n2v\a5l.i3d. c0o\nivnecrlsuidoen\ cf+r+o\mc w'cchoanrs:t22 1w:c56h:a re_rtro'r :t oi n'vwaclhida rc_otnv'e r[s-ifopne rfmriosms i'vceo]n t w c{h arre_ttur'n twoc s'rwcchhra(rcotn*s't [c-afspte<rcmoinsssti vwec]h r _ t {> (r_e_tpu)r,n _wccs)r;c h}r o ns t c a s t < c o n s t w c h a r _ t > ( p ) , c ) ; } ^ c : \ m i n g w \ l i b \ g c c \ m i n g w 3 2 \ 5 . 3 . 0 \ i^n cludec\:c+m+i\ncgwwc\hlairb:\2g2c0c:\3m:i nngowt3e2:\ 5 . 3i.n0i\tiinaclliuzdien\gc +a+r\gcuwmcehnatr :12 2o0f: 3':w cnhoatre_t: s tidn:i:twicaslriczhirn(gw cahragru_mten,t w1c hoafr 'tw)c'h r t w cstsdr:c:hwrc(swrcchharr(_wtch a_rpt, ,w cwhcahrart t)'c ) w c^s chr(wcharc_:t*m i_n_gpw,\ lwibc\hgacr_ct\ m_incg)w 2 \ 5 .^3 0\icn:c\lmuidneg\wc+l+i\bc\wgcchca\rm:i nIgnw 3f2u\n5c.t3i.o0n\i n'cwlcuhdare\tc+ +s\tcdw:c:hwacrs:s tIrn( wfcuhnacrt_iton, 'cwocnhsatr _wtch asrtdt:*:)w'c:s tcr:(\wmcihnagrw\tli,b \cgocncs\tm iwncghwa3r2_\t5.)3'.:0 icn:c\lmuidneg\wc+l+i\b\cgwccch\amri:n2g2w53:25\75:. 3e.r0r\oirn:c liundvea\lci+d+ \ccowncvhearrs:i2o2n5 :f5r7o:m e'rcroonrs:t iwncvhaalri_dt c'o ntvoe r'swicohna rf_rtom' '[c-ofnpsetr mwicshsairv_et] t o {' wrcehtaurr_nt w'c s[s-tfrp(ecromnissts_icvaes]t c o n st{ wrcehtaurr_nt w>c(s_s_tsr1()c,o n_s_ts2c)a;s t}< o n s t w c h a r t > ( s 1 ) , s 2 ) ; } ^ c : \ m i n g w\ li b \g c c\ mi ng w 3 2 \^5 3.0\icn:\mcilnugw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.d3e\c.+0\in+c\lcuwdceh\acr+:+2\2c4w:c3h:a rn:o2t2e4:: 3 : innoittei:a l i ziinnigt iaarlgiuzmienngt a1r goufm e'nwtc h1a ro_ft ' wscthda:r:_wtcs ssttrd(:w:cwhcasrs_ttr(,w cchoanrs_tt w,c hcaornstt* )w'c a r twc)s's r ( w wcchsasrt_rt(w c_hasr1,t c o_n_sst1 ,w cchoanrs_tt w c_hasr2)t s^2 ) ^ In file included from c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\iIn fniclleu dien\ccl+u+d\esd ftrroim cn:g\:mingw4\0l:i0b,\ c c \ m i n g w 3 2 \ 5 . 3 . 0 \ ifnrcolmu dDe:\/cW+o+r\ksstpraicneg/:C4+0+:/0L,i h t G B M / i n c l u d e / L i g hftrGoBmM /cu:t\imlisn/glwo\gl.ihb:\8g,c \ m i n g w 3 2 \ 5 . 3 . 0 \ i n cflruodme \Dc:+/+W\osrtkdsepxcaecpt:39, e / C+ + / L i g h t G B M / i n c lfurdoem/ Lc:i\gmingw\lib\gcc\mingw3h2t\G5B.M3/.u0t\iilnsc/lcuodmem\ocn+.+h\:a8r,r y : 3 8 , f r o m D : \fWroormk scp:a\cmei\nCg+w+\l\iLbi\gghctcG\BmMi\nsgrwc3\2l\i5g.h3t.g0b\mi_nRc.lcupdpe:\7c:+ \ct:u\pmlien:g3w9\,l i b \ g c c \ m i n g w 3 2 \ 5 . 3f.r0o\mi ncc:l\umdieng\wc+l+i\bb\igtcsc\cmhianrg_wt3r2a\i5t.s3..h0:\ iInnc lsutdaet\ci+c+ \mfeumnbcetri ofnuanlc:t5i5o,n ' s t a t i c s t d : : s i z ef_rto ms tDd::/:Wcohrakrs_ptarcea/iCt+s+M:/:ilncelnugdteh/(LciognhsttG BcMh/amre_ttay.phe:*1)0',:

    c : \ m i n g w \ l i b \ g c cf\rmoimn gDw:3/2W\o5r.k3s.p0a\cien/cCl+u+d/eL\icg+h+t\GbBiMt/si\ncchlaurd_et/rLaiigthstGB.Mh/:c3o5n8f:i2g6.:h :e1r2r,o : ' w c s l e n ' w a s n o tf rdoemc lDa:r/eWdo rikns ptahcies/ Cs+c+o/pLei h t G B M / i n{c lruedteu/rLni gwhctsGlBeMn/(b_o_oss)t;i n}g . h:8, f r o m D :^\ Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:7: c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\bits\char_traits.h: In static member function 'static std::size_t std::char_traits::length(const char_type*)': c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\bits\char_traits.h:358:26: error: 'wcslen' was not declared in this scope { return wcslen(__s); } ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/config.h:13:0,I f il eI n i nf ci ll ue d ei dn c fl ru odfmer doD m:f /rDWo:om/r WkDos:rp/kaWscopera/kcCse+p/+aC/c+Le+i//gCLh+it+gG/hBLtMiIG/gnBih Mntf/cGiilBlnuMecd/ leiiu/nndLcceill/guuLhdditeegG/dhBL tMifG/grBuhoMttm/iG alBDpsM:p///lcuWiotocmiramlktossin/po.canhoc.:meh9m/::oC80n+,,.+

:L 9i :g 0h ,t B M / i n c l u d e / Lff irr oog mmh t DDGf::Br\/MoWW/mooc rroDkkn:ssf\ppiWaagocc.reehk\/:sCC1p++3a++:c\/0eLL,\ii +hh +tt \GG LBB iMM g\/ hsi trn Gcc B\l Mau \pd spe rl/ ciL \ci lag ithfgitrhoGotnBmg\M ba/Dmpc:po/RlnW.ifoccirpagkpt.s:ihp7o:a:n1c c,/Dp +/: +W5 /o: Lr gsD hp: ta/ GcW Beo M/r /Ck i+s n+p c/a lLc uie fg/drhCeot+/mG+L B/iDMLg:/ig/ihhWnttocGGrlBBkuMMsd//peaia/pncLpceill/giuChcd+tae+Gt//BiLLMoii/nggu.hhthtti:GGl8BBs,MM/ uip tne icn llm sup /d cew o/r mLa mip ogp nhe .tr hG. :Bh M: I/ Anb t of morgesolmtmobi benDarg:l .\ fhWsu:ocn8rkc,ost eao :cn \' DCT :+ /+L W\i oLg rih kgt shG ptB aGM cB: eM: /\C Csof+rmr+cmo/\omLmn ia:Dgi::hn_\t._WGcSoBptrMprk/:isi5npn:gac oeuDT\d:HCe/e+/Wl+Lop\ireLgkrihs<gtpThGa, BcttMeGr//BuuCMet+>i+s:l/r:sLco/i\pogcephretaanGptmBiopM.r/c(wip)rnp(ac:cpl7opu:ned t./D hL:s:i/W4gto2hrr:tik8Gns:Bgp M&ae/)cru ertc/oioCrln+:ss+ /t/'c'Lmo:ium heoDtxn:G'./B hWMi:o/n ri Iknnnsca plmmaueecdsmeepb//aeCLcr+ie +g f/h'uLtsniGtcgBdthM'it/ oGudnBMo t/e'iisTln scnL/loioutgpd heentn/aGmLmBpieMg :wha:rt CaGBoptMmpy/mepuoretn. l:: s /A cStsot tmrgdmil:ono:ngbm.Tauholt:T e4Hsx7ec 7lol:ppo2eec7r:k< ;T :r t/r rWo uor er: >k :s' :ps oat^pco r/'aC t+io+sr/ (Ln)Dio(:gtc/h oWtanoG srBmtkMe s/mspibtanerccriel n/uogCdf&+e )+/' /LscLitoigdngh'sht 'GB :BM /u Dit :nir/cleWlstou/urdorkepns/e pLnsaimtcgpaeht/twiCGrc+Ba+Mpc//paLuesitrtgh./i4(nc2sli:tul8dde::/L :igeshtrtGsroB/odMor(/p:sue ttn'rimm)lpu)s_t;/we oa' mp mpi oen nr ..n hha ::m 4 e 7Is 7np : a 2mc 7ee :m b' ees rrt r d of' ru :nd co 'te sis to onn d o^''t ionsia dmn eoT tha r aet aymdpeEemx ee rpt io ofsn tH'des:lt:pdme'ur e: xC a lp ot curkreet;Eu cn e ps tt ia ot ni (c )^'c :a tDD<::T//>WW(oosrrtkkdss:pp:aasccteeo//dCC(++s++t//rLL)ii)gg;hh GG BB MM // ii nn cc ll uu dd ee // LL iigg hh tt GG BB MM // uu tt ii ll ss // oo pp^ee mmpp__wwrraappppeerr..hh: I:35n: 2m2e:m beerrr ofru:n c'tmiuotn e'xv'o iids Tnhorte aadExceptionHelper::CaptureException (m)e'm:b D :o/fW o'rsktsd'p c e / C + +s/tLdi:g:hutnGiBqMu/ei_nlcolcukd<es/tLdi:g:hmtuGtBeMx/>u tgiulasr/do(pleoncmkp__)w;r a p p e r . h : 3 5 : 2 2 : e r r o r : '^m tex' iD:s/ Wnoortk sap amceem/bCe+r+ /oLfi g'hsttGdB'M i n c l u dset/dL:i:guhntiGqBuMe/_ultoiclks</sotpde:n:mmputwerxa>p pgeura.rhd:(3l5o:c2k2:) ;e r o r : ' m u t e x ' i s n o t a m^e ber ofD :'/sWtodr'k spaceD/:C/+W+o/rLkisgphatcGeB/MC/+i+n/cLliugdhet/GLBiMg/hitnGcBlMu/duet/iLlisg/hotpGeBnMm/pu_twirlasp/poepre.nhm:p3_5w:r2a2p:p eerrr.ohr::3 5':m3u2t:e xe'r riosr :n otte map lmaetmeb earr goufm e'nstt d1' is inDv:a/lWiodr k s p a c es/tCd+:+:/uLniigqhuteG_BlMo/cikn<csltudd:e:/mLuitgehxt>G BgMu/uatrilds(/loopceknm)p; r a p p e r . h : 3 5 : 3 2 : e rror: temp l a t e argum e n t 1 i s i^n alid D : / W o rsktsdp:a:cuen/iCq+u+e/_Lliogchkt<GsBtMd/:i:nmcultuedxe>/ LgiugahrtdG(BlMo/cukti)l;s o p e n m p w r a p p e r . h : 3 5 : 4 0 : e r r ^ r: 'loDc:k/_W'o rwkassp ancoet/ Cd+e+c/lLairgehdt GiBnM /tihnicsl usdceo/pLei h t G B M /suttdi:l:sun/ioqpueen_mlpo_cwkr0 : geurarrodr(:l o'clkoc)k;' w as n o t d e c l a r e d i n t h i s s c o p e s t d : :^u niquelocDk:</sWtodr:k:smpuatceex/>C +g+u/aLridg(hltoGcBkM/)i;n l u d e / L i g h t G B M / u t i l s / o p e n m p _ w r a p p e r . h : 3 5 :^3 : warninDg::/ Wuonrukssepda cvea/rCi+a+b/lLei g'hgtuGaBrMd/'i n[c-lWuudneu/sLeidg-hvtaGrBiMa/bultei]l / o p e n<4s:t dw:a:rmnuitnegx:> u nguusaerdd (vlaorcikab_l)e; g u ard' [-W u n u s e d - v a r i a b l e ] s t d : : u n i q^u lock guard(lock); ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/text_reader.h:9:0, from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/dataset.h:14, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\application\application.cpp:8: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h: In static member function 'static sizet LightGBM::PipelineReader::Read(const char, int, const std::function<unsigned int(const char, unsigned int)>&)': D:/Workspace/C++/LAit global scope: tcGcB1Mp/liunsc.leuxdee:/ LwiagrhntiGnBgM:/ uutnirlesc/opginpiezleidn command line optione 'r-eWandoe-ri.ghn:o5r3e:d7-:a tetrrriobru:t e'st'h ead' is not a member of 'std' std::thread read_worker = std::thread( ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:56:8: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token }); ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:60:7: error: 'read_worker' was not declared in this scope read_worker.join(); ^ CMakeFiles\lightgbm.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/lightIgnb mf.idlier /isrncclu/dmeadi nf.cppr.oobm D:\Wjork's pfaaciel\eCd+ \LimghtGBM\sric\anpplicatiogn\awppl3ica2tio-n.cmpp:a8:0k: eD:/.Worekspxacee/C+[+/Li2ght]GBM:/in clude/Lig*htG BM/[datCaseMt.ha: Akt gelobFal iscolpe:e Ds:/Wor/kspacle/C++i/LigghthGBMt/ingclubde/mLig.htGdBM/idatrase/t.hs:24r6:8c: e/rromr: a'muitexn' i.n ncamepspapce .'stod' bdoejs n]ot namEe ar rtoyrp e1

std::mutex mutex_; ^ CMakeFiles\Makefile2:76: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/lightgbm.dir/all' failed mingw32-make.exe[1]: [CMakeFiles/lightgbm.dir/all] Error 2 mingw32-make.exe[1]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... [ 7%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/boosting/boosting.cpp.obj In file included from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\lightgbm_R.cpp:7:0: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/common.h: In member function 'T LightGBM::Common::__StringToTHelper<T, true>::operator()(const string&) const': D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/common.h:477:27: error: 'stod' is not a member of 'std' return static_cast(std::stod(str)); ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/config.h:13:0, from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/boosting.h:8, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:7: D:I/nW ofriklsep aicnec/lCu+d+e/dL ifgrhotmG BDM://iWnocrlkusdpea/cLei/gCh+t+G/BLMi/guhttiGlBsM// iIgnh tmGeBmMb/eurt iflusn/ctteixotn r'eTa dLeirg.hht:G9B:M0:,: o m m o n : : S t r i n g T o TfHreolmp eDr:<\TW,o rtkrsupea>c:e:\oCp+e+r\aLtiogrh(t)G(BcMo\nssrtc \sltirignhgt&g) bcmon_st'R:. pDp::/1W0o:r sDpa:c/eW/oCr+k+s/pLaicgeh/tCG+B+M//LiingchltuGdBeM//LiinghctlGuBdMe//uLtiiglhst/GcBoMm/muotni.lhs:/4p7i7p:2e7l: ierror: 'nset_orde'a diesr .nho:t Ian msetmabteirc omfe m'bsetrd 'f n c t i o nr e'tsutrant static_caist(std::cs tsoidz(es_ttr )L)i;g h t G B M : : P i p e l i n e R e a d e r : : R e a d^( onst char, int, const std::function<unsigned int(const char, unsigned int)>&)': D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:53:7: error: 'thread' is not a member of 'std' std::thread read_worker = std::thread( ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:56:8: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token }); ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:60:7: error: 'read_worker' was not declared in this scope read_worker.join(); ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/text_reader.h:9:0, from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/dataset.h:14, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:9: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h: In static member function 'static size_t LightGBM::PipelineReader::Read(const char, int, const std::function<unsigned int(const char, unsigned int)>&)': D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:53:7: error: 'thread' is not a member of 'std' std::thread read_worker = std::thread( ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:56:8: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token }); ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:60:7: error: 'read_worker' was not declared in this scope read_worker.join(); ^ In file included from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:9:0: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/dataset.h: At global scope: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/inclAutd gel/oLbiaglh tsGcBoMp/ed:a acsce1tp.lhu:s2.4e6xe: w:a8r:n ienrgr: unrecognized commando liner :opt i'omnu t'e-xW'n oi-ni gnnaomreesdp-aactet r'isbtudt'e sd'o es not name a type std::mutex mutex; ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\boosting.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for taCrMgaekte F(iallels \c_oldieg is photsgibm.ditr\buiioln indd.empaekndent) : 7/6*:! e c^i e for target 'CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/lightgbm_R.cpp.obj' failed mingw32-make.exe[2]: [CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/lightgbm_R.cpp.obj] Error 1 mingw32-make.exe[2]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... cc1plus.exe: warning: unrecognized command line option '-Wno-ignored-attributes' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:416:8: error: 'mutex' in namespace 'std' does not name a type std::mutex mutex; ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::MergeFrom(const LightGBM::Booster)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:134:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' C M a stdk:e:lock_guarFdi<lsetsd\::mu_tleixg>h tlgobcmk.(dmiurt\ebxui)l;d m a k e : 9 0 : r e c i p e f o r t a^r et 'CDM:a\kWoerFkislpeasc/e\liCg+h+\tLgibgmh.tdGiBrM/\ssrrcc/\acp_palpiic.actpipo:n1/3a4p:p2l1i:c ateirorno.rc:p p'.moubtje'x 'f aiisl endo a mmemibern ofg 'swtd' 2-D:m\Woarkskpacee.Ce+x+\eLig[htG2BM]src:\ c_api.cpp:134:31: error: template argument 1 is i nva[lid M astdk::leockFguiardl<sted::smut/ex> lolck(imutgex_h); g b m . d i r / s r^ c/Da:\Wporkpspalce\iC++c\LiaghttGBMi\src\ocanpi./cppa:13p4:3p8: lerroir: c'muatext' iwaso notn de.clarced pin pthi.s socopbe j ] s td:E:lorck_rguaord<rstd ::m1ute

lock(mutex_); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:134:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::ResetTrainingData(const LightGBM::Dataset)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:167:23: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:167:23: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:167:33: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:167:40: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:167:35: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::ResetConfig(const char)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:177:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:177:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:177:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:177:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:177:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::AddValidData(const LightGBM::Dataset)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:213:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:213:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:213:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:213:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:213:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'bool LightGBM::Booster::TrainOneIter()': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:227:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:227:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:227:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:227:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:227:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::Refit(const int32_t, int32_t, int32_t)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:232:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:232:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:232:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:232:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:232:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'bool LightGBM::Booster::TrainOneIter(const score_t, const score_t)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:243:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:243:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' DI:n\ file incWlourdkesdp afcreo\mC +D:/Workspace/+C+L+i/gLhitgGhBtMG\BsMr/ci\ncc_laupdie./cLpipg:h2t4G3B:M3/1u:t ielrsr/ocro:m mtoenm.phl:a9t:e0 ,a g u m e n t 1 i s i n v a l ifd std:o:ml oDc:k/_Wgourakrsdp<ascted/:C:+m+u/tLeixg>h tlGoBcMk/(imnuctleuxde)/;L , htGBM/config.h:13 from D:/W o r k s p a c e / C + + / L i g h t G B M / i^n lude/LiDg:h\tWGoBrMk/sbpoaocset\iCn+g+.\hL:i8g,h G B M \ s r c \ c a p i . c p p :f2r4o3m: 3D8::\ Weorrrkosrp:a c'em\uCt+e+x_L'i gwhatsG BnMo\ts rdce\cbloaorsetdi nign\ btohoisst isncgo.pcep : 5 : Ds:t/dW:o:rlkoscpkacgeu/aCr+d+</sLtidg:h:tmGuBtMe/x> lock(muteixn)c; l u d e / L i g h t G B M / u t i l s / o p e n m p _ w r a p p e^r h:42:8: De:r\rWoorr:k s'pmauctee\xC'+ +i\nL ingahmteGsBpMa\cser c'\sct_dap'i .dcopeps: 2n4o3t: 3n3a:m ew aar ntiynpge: u n u ssetdd :v:amruitaebxl el o'clko_c;k [ - W u n u s e^d variable] D : / Wsotrdk:s:plaoccek/Cg+u+a/rLdi<gshttdG:B:Mm/uitnecxl>u dleo/cLki(gmhuttGeBxM/)u;t l s / o p e n m p _ w r a p p e r . h : I n m e m b e r f u n^c ion 'voDi:d\ WTohrrkesapdaEcxec\eCp+t+i\oLniHgehltpGeBrM:\:sCrc\acp_tauprie.Exccpepp:t iIonn (m)e'm:b r Df:u/nWcotrikosnp a'cveo/iCd+ +L/iLgihgthGtBGMB:M:/Bionocsltuedre:/:LRioglhltbGaBcMk/OunteiIltse/ro(p)e'n:m Dw:r\aWpoprekrs.pha:c3e5\:C2+2+:\ LeirgrhotrG:B M'\msurtce\xc' aipsi .ncoptp :a2 4m8e:m2b1e:r eorfr o'rs:t d''m t e x ' isst dn:o:tu nai qmueem_bleorc ko<fs t'ds:t:dm'u e x > g usatrdd:(:lloocckk)g;u r d < s t d : : m u t e x > l o c k ( m u t^e _); D : / W o r k s p a c e / C + + / L i g h^t BM/incDl:u\dWeo/rLkisgphatcGeB\MC/+u+t\iLlisg/hotpGeBnMm\ps_rwcr\acp_paepri..hc:p3p5::22428:: 2e1r:r oerr:r o'rm:u t'emxu't eixs' niost nao tm eam bmeerm boefr 'osft d''s d' D:/WorDk:s\pWaocrek/sCp+a+c/eL\iCg+h+t\GLBiMg/hitnGcBlMu\dser/cL\icg_hatpGiB.Mc/pupt:i2l4s8/:o3p1e:n mepr_rworra:p pteerm.phl:a3t5e: 3a2r:g uemrernotr :1 tiesm pilnavtael iadr n v a l i dsi d : : l o csktdg:u:aurndi<qsuted:l:omcuktd :l:omcukt(emxu>t egxua)r;d l o c k ) ; ^ D^: WorDk:s/pWaocrek\sCp+a+c\eL/iCg+h+t/GLBiMg\hstrGcB\Mc/_ianpcil.ucdpep/:L2i4g8h:t3G8B:M /eurtriolrs:/ o'pmeuntmepxw'r awpapse rn.oht: 3d5e:c4l0a:r eedr rionr :t h'ilso cskc_o'p ew s n o t sdtedc:l:alroecdk _ignu atrhdi<ss tsdc:o:pmeu e x > l osctkd(:m:uutneixqu)e; o c k < s t d : : m u t e x > g u a r d ( l o c k _ ) ; ^ D : \ W o r k s p a c e \ C + + \ L i g h t G B^M src\capDi:./cWpopr:k2s4p8a:c3e3/:C +w+a/rLniignhgt:G BuMn/uisnecdl uvdaer/iLaibglhet G'BlMo/cukt'i l[s-/]: 5 : 3 4 : swtadr:n:ilnogc:k _ugnuuasredd< svtadr:i:ambultee x'>g ulaorcdk'( m[u-tWeuxn_u)s;e

  • v a r i a b l e ] s t d : : u n i q u e l o c k <^s d::mutex> guard(lock); D : \ W o r k s p a c e \ C + + \ L^i htGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::PredictSingleRow(int, int, int, std::function<std::vector<std::pair<int, double> >(int)>, const LightGBM::Config&, double, int64_t)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:259:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:259:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:259:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:259:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:259:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::Predict(int, int, int, int, std::function<std::vector<std::pair<int, double> >(int)>, const LightGBM::Config&, double, int64_t)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:280:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:280:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:280:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:280:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:280:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::Predict(int, int, const char, int, const LightGBM::Config&, const char)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:314:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:314:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:314:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:314:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:314:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::SetLeafValue(int, int, double)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:363:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:363:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:363:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:363:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:363:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp: In member function 'void LightGBM::Booster::ShuffleModels(int, int)': D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:368:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:368:21: error: 'mutex' is not a member of 'std' D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:368:31: error: template argument 1 is invalid std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\capi.cpp:368:38: error: 'mutex' was not declared in this scope std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\c_api.cpp:368:33: warning: unused variable 'lock' [-Wunused-variable] std::lockguard lock(mutex); ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/config.h:13:0, from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/boosting.h:8, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\boosting.cpp:5: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/common.h: In member function 'T LightGBM::Common::__StringToTHelper<T, true>::operator()(const string&) const': D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/common.h:477:27: error: 'stod' is not a member of 'std' return static_cast(std::stod(str)); ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/text_reader.h:9:0, from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/dataset.h:14, from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/objective_function.h:9, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\gbdt.h:9, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\dart.hpp:16, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\boosting.cpp:7: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h: In static member function 'static size_t LightGBM::PipelineReader::Read(const char, int, const std::function<unsigned int(const char, unsigned int)>&)': D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:53:7: error: 'thread' is not a member of 'std' std::thread read_worker = std::thread( ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:56:8: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token }); ^ D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/utils/pipeline_reader.h:60:7: error: 'read_worker' was not declared in this scope read_worker.join(); ^ In file included from D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/objectivefunction.h:9:0, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\gbdt.h:9, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\dart.hpp:16, from D:\Workspace\C++\LightGBM\src\boosting\boosting.cpp:7: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/dataset.h: At global scope: D:/Workspace/C++/LightGBM/include/LightGBM/dataset.h:246:8: error: 'mutex' in namespace 'std' does not name a type std::mutex mutex; ^ At global scope: cc1plus.exe: warning: unrecognized command line option '-Wno-ignored-attributes' CMakeFiles_lightgbm.dir\build.make:62: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/c_api.cpp.obj' failed mingw32-make.exe[2]: [CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/c_api.cpp.obj] Error 1 cc1plus.exe: warning: unrecognized command line option '-Wno-ignored-attributes' CMakeFiles_lightgbm.dir\build.make:104: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/boosting/boosting.cpp.obj' failed mingw32-make.exe[2]: [CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/src/boosting/boosting.cpp.obj] Error 1 CMakeFiles\Makefile2:103: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/all' failed mingw32-make.exe[1]: [CMakeFiles/_lightgbm.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:128: recipe for target 'all' failed mingw32-make.exe: [all] Error 2

Reproducible examples

Steps to reproduce

I download the souce code zip. Then I makedir build and run "cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..", both are ok. However, when I run "mingw32-make.exe -j4", it gets error. I want to know how to solve this problem, thanks.

StrikerRUS commented 4 years ago

Refer to the guide: I guess something is wrong with your environment. Please make sure that you're using MinGW-w64. We do test with that version.

lock[bot] commented 4 years ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.