microsoft / LightGBM

A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
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Lightgbm trains much slower than catboost. #6456

Open fengshansi opened 1 month ago

fengshansi commented 1 month ago

On Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS,python version 3.11.4,lightgbm 4.3.0。 Data size is 3000. params

        "boosting_type": "gbdt",  
        "objective": "binary",  
        "verbose": -1,
        "n_jobs": -1,
        "device": "cpu",
        "random_state": 1,
        "metric": "None",
        "learning_rate": 0.03,


def weighted_f1_score(preds, train_data):
    labels = train_data.get_label()
    preds_binary = (preds > 0.5).astype(int)  
    f1 = f1_score(labels, preds_binary, average="weighted")
    return "weighted_f1_score", f1, True

I use several categorical_features.

        callbacks=[ lightgbm.early_stopping(50, first_metric_only=False),lightgbm.log_evaluation(period=20, show_stdv=True),],


I need 5 minutes to train, much slower than catboost.

jmoralez commented 1 month ago

Hey @fengshansi, thanks for using LightGBM. Unfortunately, this isn't enough information, we'd also need the following:

For 3,000 samples 5 minutes sounds like a lot so I'm guessing your custom metric is being the bottleneck here but it's very hard to tell with just this information.

fengshansi commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your help. My answer is:

  • The max iteration is 300. I use early stop of 60. Both of lightgbm and catboost.
  • LightGBM stop at 90. So it runs 150 iterations.
  • Catboost actually, I use optuna for 50 trail to search paramenters. Even run 50 times, it use 1 minute 3seconds. When I run it for one time of 70 iterations without earlystopping. It use 0.2 seconds. All the time get from jupyternotebook.
  • params of 50 times is
    "learning_rate": trial.suggest_float("learning_rate", 0.001, 0.1, log=True),
    "depth": trial.suggest_int("depth", 1, 10),
    "subsample": trial.suggest_float("subsample", 0.05, 1.0),
    "colsample_bylevel": trial.suggest_float("colsample_bylevel", 0.05, 1.0),
    "min_data_in_leaf": trial.suggest_int("min_data_in_leaf", 1, 100),
  • 10 category features and 10 numeric features
  • I don't use custom metric in catboost. Catboost offers macro f1.
jmoralez commented 1 month ago

How long does it take if you remove your custom metric?

shiyu1994 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for using LightGBM. Could you also provide information about how catboost is used? In my experience, the speed of catboost varies a lot depending on the tree structure you select and the boosting mode. These choices often make trade-offs between speed and performance.

fengshansi commented 1 month ago


Also 5 minutes. I use metric= "binary_logloss".

fengshansi commented 1 month ago

感谢您使用LightGBM。您能否提供有关如何使用 catboost 的信息?根据我的经验,catboost 的速度会根据您选择的树结构和提升模式而有很大差异。这些选择通常会在速度和性能之间做出权衡。

{ "iterations": 300, "learning_rate": 0.07116892811065063, "depth": 5, "loss_function": "Logloss", "verbose": 20, "eval_metric": "TotalF1:average=Macro", "subsample": 0.2697512982046929, "colsample_bylevel": 0.932255235452595, "early_stopping_rounds": 60, "min_data_in_leaf": 98, } I use a CatBoostClassifier.

mayer79 commented 1 month ago

Without data and working code, I fear we are stuck here.

fengshansi commented 1 month ago

Here is code and data

jmoralez commented 1 month ago

@fengshansi can you try using the same parameters in both? For example you're setting 0.3 as the learning rate for LightGBM and 0.7 for CatBoost, which should converge faster. Also the default leaves in LightGBM is 31 and you're using a depth of 6 in CatBoost, which produces 64 leaves.

mayer79 commented 4 weeks ago

@fengshansi : On my laptop (8 threads), running your two notebooks gives:





Thus, LightGBM is 4-5 times faster (using pip install)

fengshansi commented 4 weeks ago

:在我的笔记本电脑(8 个线程)上,运行您的两个笔记本可以:



CatBoost 升压


因此,LightGBM 的速度要快 4-5 倍(使用 pip install)

Unbelievable, my lightgbm takes nearly 5 minutes to run

mayer79 commented 4 weeks ago

Ooops :-). I have reset the notebook kernels before running each of them.

fengshansi commented 4 weeks ago


I reinstalled lightgbm. But still very slow. With Python 3.11.4 and lightgbm 4.3.0.

JinProton commented 2 weeks ago

可能是 python 版本和 lightgbm 版本的问题。我自己使用 python 3.11.9 和 lightgbm 4.3.0 时需要跑半小时以上,但是使用 python 3.10.13 和 lightgbm 4.1.0 只需要几分钟。

fengshansi commented 2 weeks ago

可能是 python 版本和 lightgbm 版本的问题。我自己使用 python 3.11.9 和 lightgbm 4.3.0 时需要跑半小时以上,但是使用 python 3.10.13 和 lightgbm 4.1.0 只需要几分钟。

Thank you very much. I will try it.