Open kaneyxx opened 4 years ago
I used followed function to load pre-trained model, and got some errors
en2zh = TransformerModel.from_pretrained("./", checkpoint_file="", task="xmasked_seq2seq", arch="xtransformer", langs="en,zh", source_langs="en", target_langs="zh", mt_steps="en-zh", mass_steps="", memt_steps="", valid_lang_pairs="", no_scale_embedding=True, src_dict="./test/processed/dict.en.txt", tgt_dict="./test/processed/dict.zh.txt" )
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
Hello, thanks for sharing this awesome project at first :) I have fine-tuned the supNMT pre-trained model and save the checkpoint out there. Now I want to build a model out of MASS directory and implement it on a chatbot to use with my friends. I'm not familiar with fairseq module. How should I do, any suggestion?
e.g. I have the weights but I don't know how to build the model and load it. I found the build_model function in but I don't know how to do next.