microsoft / MASS

MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation
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In text summarization #138

Closed KawhiZhao closed 4 years ago

KawhiZhao commented 4 years ago

In the Data section of fine-tuning process, what do you mean by "Rename the shuffix article and title as src and tgt"? I don't find anything related to article and title

moutaigua8183 commented 4 years ago

In the Data section of fine-tuning process, what do you mean by "Rename the shuffix article and title as src and tgt"? I don't find anything related to article and title

Do you happen to solve the problem? I am also confused about the sentence

StillKeepTry commented 4 years ago

It is just for an example. For summarization, we usually have paired data. You can consider the input (article in summarization task) as src, and the label (title in summarization) as tgt.