microsoft / MASS

MASS: Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation
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Problems in generating results with supNMT #90

Open huangxianliang opened 4 years ago

huangxianliang commented 4 years ago

In the README,the scripts: fairseq-generate $data_dir \ --user-dir $user_dir \ -s zh -t en \ --langs en,zh \ --source-langs zh --target-langs en \ --mt_steps zh-en \ --gen-subset valid \ --task xmasked_seq2seq \ --path $model \ --beam 5 --remove-bpe The problem:generally,we have not en(results),how to run fairseq-generate. Thk

wenhuihuang1979 commented 4 years ago

could you answer that? thanks.

huangxianliang commented 4 years ago

could you answer that? thanks.


tuanshanyou commented 4 years ago

the same question......T T

wyx518 commented 4 years ago


Hemaybe03259ran commented 4 years ago

hi. do you have any idea to generate a testset result? btw,my testset is mono