The Get-Credential and Invoke-MCASRestMethod are validating the uri by ...username -match '.portal.cloudappsecurity.(com|us|eu|gov|uk|edu|$'.
The newly released GCC tenant is (which doesn't match the validation).
We bypassed validation and when using the MCASRestMethod we are receiving "Invoke-WebRequest : {"detail":"Invalid user - the owner of this token is not permitted to use tokens"}
The Get-Credential and Invoke-MCASRestMethod are validating the uri by ...username -match '.portal.cloudappsecurity.(com|us|eu|gov|uk|edu|$'.
The newly released GCC tenant is (which doesn't match the validation).
We bypassed validation and when using the MCASRestMethod we are receiving "Invoke-WebRequest : {"detail":"Invalid user - the owner of this token is not permitted to use tokens"}