We have been running for over a year, the mlops-azure container (https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-mlops-python), for running the creation of our scoring images. In the top of this image we are installing these requirements:
Failed to create Docker client. Is Docker running/installed?
When you deploy locally, we download a dockerfile
execute docker build on it, and docker run the built container for you
Error: Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'))
Unable to log into Docker registry (is Docker installed and running?). Building the saved Dockerfile may fail when pulling the base image. To login manually, or on another machine, use the credentials returned by package.get_container_registry()
I have checked that the code with the requirements that we have is running correctly.
We have been running for over a year, the mlops-azure container (https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-mlops-python), for running the creation of our scoring images. In the top of this image we are installing these requirements:
The code that we are running is:
The Docker version is 20.10.2, is running in ubuntu18.
The command to run the docker image is:
The error that we are receiving is:
Thank you so much!