microsoft / MLOpsPython

MLOps using Azure ML Services and Azure DevOps
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Issue related to the task MLPublishedPipelineRestAPITask #410

Open RakCSahu opened 2 years ago

RakCSahu commented 2 years ago

Issue related to MLPublishedPipelineRestAPITask

We are able to create batch end point while using the secured ADO self-hosted agent (Linux ubuntu VM. While using task "Build_Bactch_Scoring_Pipeline" on the secured self-hosted agent we are successful. But while running the task for accessing the batch-end point the DevOps pipelines is showing some issues, and we cannot see the logs of the task as shown in attached image.

Questions: 1.What does the task do? does it call the relevant API to run the Batch-endpoint? 2.How can we troubleshoot the issue on our side? 3.Is there any logs or information we can get from your side? issueMLtask

Here is the Marketplace link of the task: