We are able to create batch end point while using the secured ADO self-hosted agent (Linux ubuntu VM.
While using task "Build_Bactch_Scoring_Pipeline" on the secured self-hosted agent we are successful.
But while running the task for accessing the batch-end point the DevOps pipelines is showing some issues,
and we cannot see the logs of the task as shown in attached image.
1.What does the task do? does it call the relevant API to run the Batch-endpoint?
2.How can we troubleshoot the issue on our side?
3.Is there any logs or information we can get from your side?
Issue related to MLPublishedPipelineRestAPITask
We are able to create batch end point while using the secured ADO self-hosted agent (Linux ubuntu VM. While using task "Build_Bactch_Scoring_Pipeline" on the secured self-hosted agent we are successful. But while running the task for accessing the batch-end point the DevOps pipelines is showing some issues, and we cannot see the logs of the task as shown in attached image.
Questions: 1.What does the task do? does it call the relevant API to run the Batch-endpoint? 2.How can we troubleshoot the issue on our side? 3.Is there any logs or information we can get from your side?
Here is the Marketplace link of the task: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-air-aiagility.vss-services-azureml