microsoft / MRDL_Unity_PeriodicTable

Periodic Table of the Elements for HoloLens and Immersive headset
MIT License
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MRKT errors #13

Open Jaychouxq opened 2 years ago

Jaychouxq commented 2 years ago

Assertion failed on expression: '!name.empty()' Assembly has reference to non-existent assembly 'Microsoft.MixedReality.OpenXR' (Assets/MRTK/Providers/OpenXR/MRTK.OpenXR.asmdef) Assembly has reference to non-existent assembly 'Oculus.VR.Editor' (Assets/MRTK/Providers/Oculus/XRSDK/MRTK-Quest/Editor/MRTK.Oculus.Hands.Editor.asmdef) Assembly has reference to non-existent assembly 'Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.PlaneFinding' (Assets/MRTK/SDK/MRTK.SDK.asmdef) ............ AssemblyDefinitionException: Could not find assembly reference 'Oculus.VR' UnityEditor.AssemblyDefinitionImporterInspector.LoadAssemblyDefintionState (System.String path) (at D:/unity/Editor/Mono/Inspector/AssemblyDefinitionImporterInspector.cs:717) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

snydera commented 1 year ago

Is anyone vetting this project? I got the latest release and I get these errors immediately. Shouldn't there be like a getting started guide? the readme isn't too helpful on making sure the user knows what to do after opening the project in Unity. I've attempted to recreate the errored scripts in a separate project but I have no component reference. I have to just guess because all the scripts have errors from the get-go.