microsoft / MapsSDK-Native

This repository contains samples, documentation and releases history for the Bing Maps SDK for Android and iOS.
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Polyline strokeWidth cannot be changed #55

Open jay-cohen opened 2 years ago

jay-cohen commented 2 years ago

Using the example from the following Microsoft article the strokeWidth cannot be overridden.

Link to article

func drawLineOnMap() {
    let center = self.mapView.mapCenter.position

    let geopath = MSGeopath(positions:
        [MSGeoposition(latitude: center.latitude-0.0005, longitude: center.longitude-0.001),
         MSGeoposition(latitude: center.latitude+0.0005, longitude: center.longitude+0.001)])

    let mapPolyline = MSMapPolyline()
    mapPolyline.path = geopath
    mapPolyline.strokeColor =
    mapPolyline.strokeWidth = 3 // 3 marked in the example but always reverts to 1
    mapPolyline.strokeDashed = true

    // Add Polyline to a layer on the map control.
    let linesLayer = MSMapElementLayer()
    linesLayer.zIndex = 1
jay-cohen commented 2 years ago

Update: This is only affecting 1st generation iPad devices. Edge case tolerance?