microsoft / MapsSDK-Native

This repository contains samples, documentation and releases history for the Bing Maps SDK for Android and iOS.
MIT License
40 stars 23 forks source link

Occasionally, errors may occur when reopening the application: Abort message: 'std::terminate called inside BingMaps #65

Open RubinZuo opened 4 months ago

RubinZuo commented 4 months ago
    #00  pc 00000000001ce31c  /data/app/
    #01  pc 00000000001dbda4  /data/app/
    #02  pc 00000000008b1344  /data/app/
    #03  pc 00000000008b12ec  /data/app/ (_ZSt9terminatev)
    #04  pc 0000000000673dfc  /data/app/
    #05  pc 0000000000673c04  /data/app/ (Java_com_microsoft_maps_MapSurface_getAccessibleMapPoiInternal)
    #06  pc 0000000000151354  /apex/
    #07  pc 0000000000148338  /apex/
    #08  pc 00000000001571b8  /apex/ (_ZN3art9ArtMethod6InvokeE'