Open AdamSystima opened 6 months ago
I got a similar bug. { The term 'Get-Label' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. } \ at Get-TargetResource, C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Microsoft365DSC\1.24.515.2\DscResources\MSFT_SCSensitivityLabel\MSFT_SCSensitivityLabel.psm1: line 251
Other modules as EXO or AzureAD have no errors. Only "Security and Compliance".
Description of the issue
I have been able to successfully export Compliance Policies using the command;
Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Components @("SCDLPCompliancePolicy", "SCDLPComplianceRule") -Credential $Credential
Generate the MOF file by running;
.\M365TenantConfig.ps1 -Credential $Credential
But I am seeing an error upon trying to import the configuration using;
Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:\temp\dlp\M365TenantConfig\ -Wait -Verbose -Force
Running Get-DscResource -Module Microsoft365DSC does return both SCDLP resources.
PowerShell SCDLPCompliancePolicy Microsoft365DSC 1.24.515.2 PowerShell SCDLPComplianceRule Microsoft365DSC 1.24.515.2
Microsoft 365 DSC Version
Which workloads are affected
Security & Compliance Center
The DSC configuration
Verbose logs showing the problem
Environment Information + PowerShell Version