microsoft / Microsoft365DSC

Manages, configures, extracts and monitors Microsoft 365 tenant configurations
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EXOAddressList : The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet #5299

Open CovidtheDog2024 opened 1 month ago

CovidtheDog2024 commented 1 month ago

Description of the issue

Good day! Kindly help, we are getting this error while importing using Credentia and service account.

error: VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] The Address List 'All Users' does not exist but it should. Creating Address List. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] in 13.9250 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::35::10::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

Microsoft 365 DSC Version


Which workloads are affected

Exchange Online

The DSC configuration

Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'Microsoft365DSC' -ModuleVersion '1.24.1016.1'

Node localhost
     EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-All users"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "All users";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "All Users";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne $null)) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne $null)))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne $null) -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne $null))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))";
    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-All Group"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "All Group";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "All Groups";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox'))";
    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-Public Folders"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "Public Folders";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "Public Folders";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (ObjectCategory -like 'publicFolder'))";
    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "Offline Global Address List";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "Offline Global Address List";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (((((((((((ObjectClass -eq 'user') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchDynamicDistributionList'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'group'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder'))))";
    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-All Rooms"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "All Rooms";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "All Rooms";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (((RecipientDisplayType -eq 'ConferenceRoomMailbox') -or (RecipientDisplayType -eq 'SyncedConferenceRoomMailbox'))))";
    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-All Contacts"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "All Contacts";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "All Contacts";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))))";
    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-All distribution lists"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "All distribution lists";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "All Distribution Lists";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (ObjectCategory -like 'group'))";


Verbose logs showing the problem

VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' = SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = root/Mic rosoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'. VERBOSE: An LCM method call arrived from computer MyVM with user sid S-1-5-21-329068152-1454471165-1417001333-907229. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] Testing Address List configuration for All Users VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Users VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] in 52.4640 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] Setting Address List configuration for All Users VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Users VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] The Address List 'All Users' does not exist but it should. Creating Address List. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users] in 15.9290 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All users' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::35::10::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Testing Address List configuration for All Groups VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Groups VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All Group Ensure=Absent IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Groups RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Target Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All Group Ensure=Present IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Groups RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] in 12.7390 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Setting Address List configuration for All Groups VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Groups VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] The Address List 'All Groups' does not exist but it should. Creating Address List. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] You can't use RecipientFilter and precanned filters at the same time. All precanned filt ers will be ignored. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group] in 13.1610 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Group' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::63::9::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Testing Address List configuration for Public Folders VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Getting configuration of AddressList for Public Folders VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=Public Folders Ensure=Absent IncludedRecipients=() Name=Public Folders RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (ObjectCategory -like 'publicFolder')) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Target Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=Public Folders Ensure=Present IncludedRecipients=() Name=Public Folders RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (ObjectCategory -like 'publicFolder')) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] in 13.6650 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Setting Address List configuration for Public Folders VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] Getting configuration of AddressList for Public Folders VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] The Address List 'Public Folders' does not exist but it should. Creating Address Li st. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] You can't use RecipientFilter and precanned filters at the same time. All precanned filters will be ignored. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders] in 14.4740 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Public Folders' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::90::9::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Testing Address List configuration for Offline Global Address List VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Getting configuration of AddressList for Offline Global Address List VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=Offline Global Address List Ensure=Absent IncludedRecipients=() Name=Offline Global Address List RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((((((((((ObjectClass -eq 'user') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchDynamicD istributionList'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'group'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder')))) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Target Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=Offline Global Address List Ensure=Present IncludedRecipients=() Name=Offline Global Address List RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((((((((((ObjectClass -eq 'user') -or (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'msExchDynamicD istributionList'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'group'))) -or (ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder')))) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] in 13.7730 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Setting Address List configuration for Offline Global Address List VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] Getting configuration of AddressList for Offline Global Address List VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] The Address List 'Offline Global Address List' does not exist but it s hould. Creating Address List. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] You can't use RecipientFilter and precanned filters at the same time. All precanned filters will be ignored. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List] in 14.1110 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-Offline Global Address List' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::117::9::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Testing Address List configuration for All Rooms VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Rooms VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All Rooms Ensure=Absent IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Rooms RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((RecipientDisplayType -eq 'ConferenceRoomMailbox') -or (RecipientDisplayType -eq 'SyncedConferenceRoomMailbox')))) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Target Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All Rooms Ensure=Present IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Rooms RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((RecipientDisplayType -eq 'ConferenceRoomMailbox') -or (RecipientDisplayType -eq 'SyncedConferenceRoomMailbox')))) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] in 12.3150 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Setting Address List configuration for All Rooms VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Rooms VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] The Address List 'All Rooms' does not exist but it should. Creating Address List. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] You can't use RecipientFilter and precanned filters at the same time. All precanned filt ers will be ignored. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms] in 13.7220 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Rooms' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::145::9::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Testing Address List configuration for All Contacts VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Contacts VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All Contacts Ensure=Absent IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Contacts RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact')))) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Target Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All Contacts Ensure=Present IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Contacts RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact')))) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] in 13.5300 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Setting Address List configuration for All Contacts VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Contacts VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] The Address List 'All Contacts' does not exist but it should. Creating Address List. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] You can't use RecipientFilter and precanned filters at the same time. All precanned f ilters will be ignored. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts] in 13.9410 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All Contacts' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::172::9::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Testing Address List configuration for All Distribution Lists VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Distribution Lists VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Current Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All distribution lists Ensure=Absent IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Distribution Lists RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (ObjectCategory -like 'group')) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Target Values: ConditionalCompany=() ConditionalCustomAttribute1=() ConditionalCustomAttribute10=() ConditionalCustomAttribute11=() ConditionalCustomAttribute12=() ConditionalCustomAttribute13=() ConditionalCustomAttribute14=() ConditionalCustomAttribute15=() ConditionalCustomAttribute2=() ConditionalCustomAttribute3=() ConditionalCustomAttribute4=() ConditionalCustomAttribute5=() ConditionalCustomAttribute6=() ConditionalCustomAttribute7=() ConditionalCustomAttribute8=() ConditionalCustomAttribute9=() ConditionalDepartment=() ConditionalStateOrProvince=() Credential= DisplayName=All distribution lists Ensure=Present IncludedRecipients=() Name=All Distribution Lists RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (ObjectCategory -like 'group')) Verbose=True VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Test-TargetResource returned False VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] in 12.9790 seconds. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Setting Address List configuration for All Distribution Lists VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] Getting configuration of AddressList for All Distribution Lists VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] The Address List 'All Distribution Lists' does not exist but it should. Cre ating Address List. VERBOSE: [MyVM]: [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] You can't use RecipientFilter and precanned filters at the same time. All p recanned filters will be ignored. The term 'New-AddressList' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists] in 14.3990 seconds. The PowerShell DSC resource '[EXOAddressList]EXOAddressList-All distribution lists' with SourceInfo 'C:\tmp\EXO\M365TenantConfig.ps1::200::9::EXOAddressList' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality. These errors are logged to the ETW channel called Microsoft-Windows-DSC/Operational. Refer to this channel for more details.

VERBOSE: [MyVM]: LCM: [ End Set ] The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed.

Environment Information + PowerShell Version

OsName : Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise OsOperatingSystemSKU : EnterpriseEdition OsArchitecture : 64-bit WindowsVersion : 2009 WindowsBuildLabEx : 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250 OsLanguage : en-US OsMuiLanguages : {en-US}

Key : PSVersion Value : 5.1.22621.4249 Name : PSVersion

Key : PSEdition Value : Desktop Name : PSEdition

Key : PSCompatibleVersions Value : {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...} Name : PSCompatibleVersions

Key : BuildVersion Value : 10.0.22621.4249 Name : BuildVersion

Key : CLRVersion Value : 4.0.30319.42000 Name : CLRVersion

Key : WSManStackVersion Value : 3.0 Name : WSManStackVersion

Key : PSRemotingProtocolVersion Value : 2.3 Name : PSRemotingProtocolVersion

Key : SerializationVersion Value : Name : SerializationVersion

ykuijs commented 3 weeks ago

I believe this has something to do with the permissions of the account/principal you are using. If that doesn't have the correct permission, this cmdlets isn't available. Please check if you have granted the required permissions and correct if that is not the case.

ykuijs commented 3 weeks ago

As mentioned here:

In Exchange Online, this cmdlet is available only in the Address Lists role, and by default, the role isn't assigned to any role groups. To use this cmdlet, you need to add the Address Lists role to a role group (for example, to the Organization Management role group).

CovidtheDog2024 commented 3 weeks ago

@ykuijs thanks! Permission is ok now. but we have encountered another issue. Same issue with resource EXOGlobalAddressList

Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'RecipientFilter'. Cannot convert value "((Alias -ne ) -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne )) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne )))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne ) -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne ))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" to type "System.String". Error: "Invalid filter syntax. For a description of the filter parameter syntax see the command help. "((Alias -ne ) -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne )) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne )))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne ) -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne ))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" at position 13."

Let me know if we need to open another ticket.

ricmestre commented 3 weeks ago

Look at the very first part of your filter ((Alias -ne ), this is malformed and you need to change it.

CovidtheDog2024 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @ricmestre,

Refer to the original value: RecipientFilter = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne $null)) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne $null)))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne $null) -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne $null))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))";

We try two scenarios via Powershell, but no success

Scenario 1: Replaced the $null string to "" Command:
Set-AddressList -Identity "All Users" -RecipientFilter "((Alias -ne "") -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne "")) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne "")))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne "") -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne ""))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))"

ERROR: Cannot convert value "((Alias -ne ") -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne ")) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne ")))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne ") -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne "))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" to type "System.String". Error: "Invalid filter syntax. For a description of the filter parameter syntax see the command help. "((Alias -ne ") -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne ")) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne ")))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne ") -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne "))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" at position 269." At C:\Users\jadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEXO_okv3suad.k0f\tmpEXO_okv3suad.k0f.psm1:1205 char:13

Scenario 2: Create Variable $nullValue ="" and replaced the $null to $nullValue Command: $nullValue = "" $filter = "((Alias -ne '$nullValue') -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne '$nullValue')) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne '$nullValue')))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne '$nullValue') -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne '$nullValue')))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))"

Set-AddressList -Identity "All Users" -RecipientFilter $filter

Error Write-ErrorMessage : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'RecipientFilter'. Cannot convert value "((Alias -ne '') -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne '')) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne '')))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne '') -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne '')))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" to type "System.String". Error: "Invalid filter syntax. For a description of the filter parameter syntax see the command help. "((Alias -ne '') -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne '')) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne '')))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne '') -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne '')))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" at position 1." At C:\Users\jadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEXO_okv3suad.k0f\tmpEXO_okv3suad.k0f.psm1:1205 char:13

CovidtheDog2024 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @ricmestre and team,

Could you please provide an update on the progress and any anticipated completion timeline?

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

CovidtheDog2024 commented 1 week ago

Hi @ykuij,

We would appreciate your assistance with this issue. We are unable to import due to an encountered problem.

Please refer to the full DSC configuration mentioned above.

**Cannot process argument transformation on paramete**r 'RecipientFilter'. Cannot convert value "((Alias -ne ) -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne )) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne )))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne ) -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne ))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" to type "System.String". Error: "Invalid filter syntax. For a description of the filter parameter syntax see the command help. "((Alias -ne ) -and (((((((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (-not(Database -ne )) -and (-not(ServerLegacyDN -ne )))) -or (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user') -and (((Database -ne ) -or (ServerLegacyDN -ne ))))))) -and (-not(RecipientTypeDetailsValue -eq 'GroupMailbox')))))" at position 13."

CovidtheDog2024 commented 4 days ago


I hope this message finds you well.

Following up on the concern we previously discussed, we are encountering an error while importing the configuration mentioned below. We have tried this on the latest version but have not found success.

Could you please advise on the next steps or provide any insights that might help us resolve this issue? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,


**RecipientFilter=((Alias -ne ) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact')))) Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'RecipientFilter'. Cannot convert value "((Alias -ne ) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))))" to type "System.String". Error: "Invalid filter syntax. For a description of the filter parameter syntax see the command help. "((Alias -ne ) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))))" at position 13."


    EXOAddressList "EXOAddressList-All Contacts"
        ConditionalCompany           = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute1  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute10 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute11 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute12 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute13 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute14 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute15 = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute2  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute3  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute4  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute5  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute6  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute7  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute8  = @();
        ConditionalCustomAttribute9  = @();
        ConditionalDepartment        = @();
        ConditionalStateOrProvince   = @();
        Credential                   = $Credscredential;
        DisplayName                  = "All Contacts";
        Ensure                       = "Present";
        IncludedRecipients           = @();
        Name                         = "All Contacts";
        RecipientFilter              = "((Alias -ne $null) -and (((ObjectCategory -like 'person') -and (ObjectClass -eq 'contact'))))";