microsoft / MixedReality-SceneUnderstanding-Samples

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Sample app crashes right away on HoloLens 2 #33

Open BitterDone opened 1 year ago

BitterDone commented 1 year ago

I cloned the repo and followed the documentation steps:

I'm able to build and sideload the app package without issue or error, but it displays an odd image of a room before crashing

I took a video and put it on my YouTube:

Any help is appreciated! I'd love to get this working in my app

xiaoqiliu78 commented 1 year ago

I meet with the same issue. Have you already resolved it?

EarlGreyTeaCake commented 1 year ago

I faced the same issue. I solved it by changing the build setting from Debug ARM64 to Release ARM64 in VS 2019. After creating a new app package with that setting, the app worked as expected.

Landerku commented 1 year ago

I met the same problem. And I ran the demo by remoting connect to Hololens2, and even changing the build setting cannot solve the problem.