microsoft / MixedReality-SceneUnderstanding-Samples

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Is there a sample for SceneObserver.ComputeWithBoundsAsync #7

Open darax opened 3 years ago

darax commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to construct a SceneBounds to pass to SceneObserver.ComputeWithBoundsAsync. I'm not sure how to create a Microsoft.MixedReality.SceneUnderstanding.SpatialGraph.SpatialOrientedBox to create the SceneBounds. The struct in the metadata appears to have no public fields. I can try to treat the Microsoft.MixedReality.SceneUnderstanding.SpatialGraph.SpatialOrientedBox as a Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialOrientedBox , but the compiler complains that I cannot access the fields due to their protection level. Any help here would be appreciated.
