microsoft / MixedReality-WebRTC

MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio and video real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experience
MIT License
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Importing main Unity package and samples package doesn't yield any assets #723

Open ghostravenstorm opened 3 years ago

ghostravenstorm commented 3 years ago

Importing the 2 packages outlined here to work with the WebRTC tutorial doesn't yield any assets under the Packges dir in the project explorer.


Steps to reproduce:

Expected outcome: Packages directory should contains assets I can copy to my working project.

spacecheeserocks commented 3 years ago

I could be fairly sure this is a Unity issue - have you tried re-opening the editor, or removing and re-adding the packages?

Not sure if this affects asset import too, but make sure you don't have any Script Errors - these commonly prevent new assets from importing properly.

ghostravenstorm commented 3 years ago

So it seems to be a Unity 2019.4.x issue. 2019.4.x is LTS and I keep it up to date with the latest patches. Currently using 2019.4.21f1 where the packages dir was empty. Tried the import process again in Unity 2020.2.4f1 and everything seems to be here.
